5 Factors to Consider Before Buying Granite Countertops from Stone Fabricators in NYC

Author: Tristate Stone

When it comes to home remodeling in NYC, one of the hottest topics that people are talking about is granite countertops. Although they are not exactly things that you would describe as new, they have been hitting the airwaves over the last decade or so as home owners continue to wake up to their advantages. In fact most of the stone fabricators in NYC agree that the demand for these natural stone in recent years has been on a steady increase and it is bound to do so in the coming years as well since the advantages of granite are not going away anytime soon. Choosing to install granite countertops in your kitchen is, by all means, a great idea. However, it is important to point out that the quality of the results of such a project will, at the end of the day, depend on the natural stone fabricators that you choose. Personally, I have found that it is always advisable to choose natural stone suppliers near me because they are better able to understand what I need and how to provide it.

Granite is a complex material and finding someone who knows how to work it is important for any home owner in NYC who wants to install granite countertops. Below are five of the most important things to consider when choosing natural stone fabricators in NYC from whom to buy granite.

  1. Look for natural stone suppliers who can provide granite slabs that are at least 3 meters long. The length of any slab of granite is an indication of the quality of the granite and the longer it is the higher its quality. While this may cost you a little more money, it will definitely be worth it in the end.
  2. Go for granite that has been cut using water. NJ marble and granite fabricators usually use either water or kerosene to cut granite and while both are acceptable, granite cut using water is usually of higher quality because water does not reduce the strength and stability of the stone.
  3. Look for vendors who can use the same slab of granite for the entire job. The thing about granite is that no two pieces or slabs are exactly alike and using the same slab for the whole project helps to attain a sense of uniformity.
  4. Look for natural stone suppliers who can supply high finish granite. Ideally, the finished stone should have a mirror like appearance and you might want to make sure that this will be the case before you make your purchase. Ask for samples or visit actual showrooms to see the final products that you can expect.
  5. Look for matching colors and grains. While it is highly unlikely that you will find an exact match between the two, it is always a good idea to look for consistency in the granite even when you are using different slabs of granite for the same job.

About Company

TriState Stone is a full service natural stone supplier in New Jersey & New York. We are importers and fabricators of high quality natural stone products for kitchen counter tops, bathroom vanities & more. At TriState Stone we promise to complete, deliver and install your order within one week of the day the original template is taken.