Best Gastroenterology Treatment India | Ayurvedic medicine gastric
Author: Nitesh Khonde
- Appendicitis is seen in age group of 10 to 30 years
- In acute septic conditions, rupture may take place, so we must be very careful,
- Ruptures may cause
- Ovaries and fallopian tubes can also be infected.
- Fever, nausea, vomiting, severe pain in lower right abdomen are common feature.
- Tenderness is seen.
- Three signs will be positive here (Rowsing’s sign, Psoas sign, Obturator signs )
- Clinical diagnosis is possible.
- WBC may be increased.
- X-ray, Ultra sound are not useful but CT may be useful.
- Ultra sound can rule out other causes like kidney stone etc.
- In 15 % of cases which are opened up for appendicitis, appendix is found to be normal.
- To prevent the rupture, operation is done.
- Sometimes rupture may be fatal.
- Chronic appendicitis can be considered as antarvidradhi and is treated accordingly.
Treatment principle
- Antarvidradi and dhatu pakahara ousadhas
- Ama pacana ousadhas
- In acute phases, it is better to refer to an allopathic hospital chronic conditions can be considered as antharvidradi and should be treated with amapacanam and antarvidradhi cikitsa is employed.
- Amrtotaram kasayam – 60 ml twice a day before food
- Trayanthyadi kasayam – 60 ml twice a day before food
- Kaidaryadi kasayam – 60 ml twice a day before food
- Kaidaryadi curnam 1 tsp along with hot water bd after food.
- Vilvadi gulika 2-0-2 after food
- Dhanvantara gulika 2-0-2 after food
- Sudarsana gulika 2-0-2 after food
- Vettumaran gulika 2-0-2 after food
- Sanjivini vati 2-0-2 with kasayam