Know All About E Visa To India To Avoid Any Hiccups On Arrival

Author: Ranjana Sachan

Traveling to India is an experience that is one of a kind. The country has so much to offer – from high mountains to the majestic beaches of Goa, seafood to the vegetarian dishes of Northern India – a traveler to India indeed has so much on his itinerary. No wonder people make a beeline to come to this fascinating country. However, till recently everyone had to go through the grilling process of procuring the visa in his home country and that took a good amount of time even if you had to come to India for just a couple of weeks. But no more. Thanks to the new visa regime which allows for e visa for India on arrival.

Though India travel visa started in 2014, it was limited to a handful of countries and to a few airports in India. Now in the eligible country list, there are more than 150 countries and it is available for 30 international airports and seaports in the country.

Here is how to how to apply for e visa for India. The process of India travel visa online is rather simple, but one must know it thoroughly to avoid any last-minute hiccups.

First, check if your country figures in the eligibility list, that is you are a citizen of the chosen 150 countries on the list, chances are you are as it is fairly comprehensive. Secondly choose the airport of arrival well in advance where you would have to give your biometric and the immigration officer would stamp your visa.

Next thing to know is that it is only for travel, business and medical purposes only. If you have some other purpose to your visit you would have to apply through the conventional visa before arrival through Indian embassy in your country.

Next is keep the following documents ready as they would be required on arrival:

  1. Original passport and one photocopy of passport information and signature page.
  2. Birth certificate of the minor if you are traveling with a child.
  3. Proof of onward journey

When you apply you can upload the scanned copy of your valid passport, photograph, and proof of your onward/return journey (air ticket etc.)

An application for e-Visa must be made at least 48 hours before the arrival and can be made as early as 120 days in advance. Ideally, apply at least a week in advance. All e visa for India qualifies for double entry. Triple entry is permitted on e-Medical Visa. The duration of stay, however, cannot be extended.