3 Surefire Signage Design Recommendations to Entice More Customers

Author: James Spencer

In this fast-paced and tech-centric world, everyone seems to be talking about proper advertisement and drawing customer-attention. And, to grab the most amount of attention from the mass market, business heads tend to use compelling signs to spread the message of their business.

In fact, in a survey, around 64% of small-scale businesses in Australia seem to place immense value on artistic graphics and signage. While the remainder (which includes established enterprises) emphasise more on simplistic signage designs to influence both their existing and new clientele.

Regardless, of what chooses, one thing is for sure. They regard signage to be an apt 24*7 endorsement mode and a result-orienting mode of acquiring new customers.

Another staggering stat reveals that around 17% of customers, who had no intentions to stop, did because they came across a sign that caught their interest.

So, as a start-up owner, one should find out an acknowledged signage shop in Wollongong and craft a proper design to flourish their business. To help them achieve the best results from their signage, here are three crucial suggestions.

i. Choose Colours That Compel and Captivate

As per reports, it is believed that 80% of brand recognition is because of the compelling and captivating nature of the brand colour.

Example - Imagine logos of KFC, Mc Donald's or Gatorade! Not one of them is overly eccentric in their colour combinations, but just enough to convey the identities of each.

When creating brand signage, one should always look for trending colour options. But, whatever one chooses, they should always focus on longevity, particularly, when one has chosen a static design.

ii. Ensure Letters are LARGE and LUCID

The rule of thumb for the letter height should be 10 feet per inch. Meaning, creating signage letters having 10 inches of height will be great for garnering attention from close to 100 feet. However, this may not always work with every design.

Like for example - If one desires to have a flowery script to communicate a particular style, its readability may not be as great as in contrary to a simplistic but bold design.

The View from a Distance is pivotal and that why along with the size, start-up owners must also focus on the design. A skilful signage writer in Sydney will help you sort out the right design and size for your business brand. Their experience in creating legible typefaces which entice clients will help bring out the best results for their client's brand.

iii. Create Contrast for Customer Readability

Lastly, one should also focus on creating the right contrast for your brand signage. One will usually get a continuous background colour along with either graphics or texts present in the foreground.

But then, not all of them get similar attention. Ever Wondered Why Is That?

It is so because the contrast between the foreground and background doesn't prove engaging enough to capture attention. The customer views are not retained long enough for them to go through the content.

One common blunder is pairing same colours for the fore and background. Rather the appropriate thing would be to choose opposing shades, like dark for the textual or graphical part and white (or something light) for the background.

Another way to boost up a slightly substandard colour contrast is by adding a drop shadow or a catchy border/outline. This helps amp up the readability more.

The good news is that business owners don't need to mull over such matters. They can take the help of signage companies and produce a design which encompasses all the crucial elements to attract attention.

So, Don't Any Longer. Speak To The Experts Today!