The role of ICO community manager in ICO marketing

Author: Sandeep Mishra

The life of a marketer would have been much comfortable had there been just one medium in the world for the people to exchange their views and relevant information about the upcoming ICOs. But that is not true, and the marketers have to cruise through different ICO communities to extract the information that they need. Although there is a universal unanimity upon the significance of cryptocurrency communities, the role of the ICO community manager is hardly talked about. The community manager is the most integral aspect of the crypto community management or blockchain community management. The community manager is responsible for engaging and optimizing the community through his ICO community management services.

Apart from Telegram community management, the other channels that the community manager might have to take care of depending on the size of the company, its budget, and the organization’s overall marketing strategy. However, an ICO community manager must always seek to establish his presence across as many channels as possible. Reddit, Quora, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Steemit, Medium are few of the channels favored by the crypto community, and hence the ICO community managers should also be familiar to these.

While many people think that the role of an ICO community manager is entirely similar to that of a regular community manager, there is a stark difference between the two. Routine community management is more social media-oriented involving some forum updates and focuses on engagement through timely response to messages. On the other hand, ICO community management requires more expertise and a higher level of knowledge than the regular community management.

Moreover, there are a couple of tasks which are exclusive to the profile of an ICO community manager; Pre-ICO and Post-ICO. In Pre-ICO, it is the duty of the community manager to build trust and popularize the brand identity. The Pre-ICO endeavors of the ICO community manager have the potential to make or break the ICO before it is launched. In the Post-ICO scenario, the community manager plays just as crucial a role as he plays in Pre-ICO. The responsibility of maintaining and moderating social media channels, following up on the views and comments and responding to the queries of the community members, lies with the ICO community manager.

In today’s world of ICO consulting which has sprung alongside ICO crowdfunding, more significance is being attached to the role of ICO community manager. An ICO manager could be all the difference between a successful ICO, and a failed one, and there is no ICO marketing agency worth its salt that doesn’t realize this.