What are the Most Popular Colors of Vehicles?

Author: Donald McCall

Nowadays, cars can be painted in any type of color imaginable. Many are glossy jet black that look super slick and modern, other colors like matte red look professional in their own unique ways. But what are the most popular colors for cars, and why do we enjoy them so much and can the colors of certain cars also make a difference in resale value?

Let’s start by establishing what the most popular color for cars are on the road today. Almost half of all the cars on the road come in just three colors: silver, white, and black. Nearly a quarter of all the cars are silver, with white making up 15 percent and black making up 12 percent.

The reasons why we love certain colors of cars is rather subjective, and we cannot get a definite answer that reflects the beliefs of every owner. Black, silver, and grey are believed to be a large reflection of consumers’ fascination with modern day technology, as many electronics today consist of these very colors. It is also strongly believed that since black is the darkest color, it hides stains very well, and thus the car always looks cleaner overall. Black and white cars also look great in any type of environment, whether you are driving it outdoors or have parked it on the street or in your garage.

In early history of the automobile, cars were all black, and were just carriages with motors in them. Cars of any other color back then would quickly fade to yellow due to the lower qualities of the paint. It wasn’t until the 1920s when Ford introduced their Model T with an asphalt-based paint. Shortly thereafter, Ford and Dupont, a well-known chemical company collaborated on a brand new paint that could be made in any type of color imaginable.

In the next series of decades, consumers followed a cultural and economic trend of buying darker or more neutral colors during more cheery times. In the sixties and seventies, the most popular cars were red, blue, and white in color.

In a study from a couple of years ago, men preferred yellow, orange, brown, and black colored cars more than women did. In the same study, women preferred teal, silver, gold, blue, and pink colors more than their male counterparts. The colors on cars that men prefer cost over 3,000 dollars more on average than colors that women prefer. While the average used teal cars for sale in Bakersfield can cost about 11,000 dollars, used vehicles in yellow can cost up to 20,000 dollars. Don’t get us wrong; makes, models, and years of cars are more important factors than color, but funkier colors are more available on flashier and more expensive cars.

The belief that certain car colors cost more to insure is simply not true. Insurance providers never ask or care to know about the color of your car. The things about used cars for sale in Bakersfield that do affect insurance include cars that drive fast and cars that are more expensive to repair than others.

As mentioned previously, car owners generally like to buy cars that are black, white, and silver in appearance. If you by any chance want to paint your car, you might have a hard time selling it for a price that you desire. Unless you want to paint your car in a flashy color or have always wanted a certain car in a certain color, such as a steel blue, it is a good idea to just keep the color for the car that you are looking to buy.