What Can be Counted as a Natural Singing Ability?

Author: Deep Gold

Many wonder why some people who have never had any formal training sound in every way as good, if not better than those who have the training background. The answer is really simple. Some musical artists have what industry buffs call a "natural" coordination. Their breathing energy and vowels are so well coordinated that they are able to sing astonishingly with relative ease.


The answers may vary. They may have listened to a lot of music in their childhood years. Or they may have a musical family background. Or maybe an artist made a sweeping impression on their young ears. They may also have well-coordinated sounds because of the language they spoke at home. Or perhaps their knack simply comes from some mysterious process that's not yet deciphered. Listen to a clip of Britney Spears or Beyoncé singing at a very young age and you will know.

Sure, these singers attract attention at an audition or contest. And some, like Spears and Knowles, continue to have stellar careers. But in reality, a good musical career doesn’t mean the artist has a natural singing. Having a natural singing potential actually takes an extensive range of qualities - the potential and the longing to hear and master; to work hard; to be determined: to have foresight; to sing with deep feeling: to be self-motivated; to be on the same wavelength with others; to dream big and to work eagerly to make those things see the light of day. Deep Gold in Portland is one such artist who can proficiently bring all these qualities together.

Time and again, musical artists with exceptional singing potential just drift away from music. As the case may be, singing was too easy for them and it did not become the passion that it must be in order to hold out against the many blows that, as a matter of course, come into an artist’s life. Perhaps they were lacking too many of the other essential qualities, too.

Best singers are those who have to work harder to gain control of their voices. They hold in high regard what it means to sacrifice time and money for the art they are devoted to. Give a listen to Deep Gold’s album and you’ll be able to see his passion, vision, and determination for music. He has an impressive voice, but what’s more impressive is that by nature and hard work, he has picked up not only a terrific instrument but has also developed a rich inner life that has given him a distinctive world of feelings and ideas to communicate to others.