7 Amazing Dogs for the Elderly
Seniors love to keep pets and take care of them, but with increasing age and chronic medical conditions, it may become difficult for them to take care of pets. However, there are a few breeds of dogs that are well-trained and are easy to take care. Milwaukee Senior Care experts suggest seniors to keep the following breeds of dogs as their pets.
1. Beagle
Beagle is a very decent dog with a very friendly nature. An average beagle may weigh up to 24 pounds and may be up to 15 inches. A beagle’s life expectancy is 14 years and requires very little maintenance.
2. Lhasa Apso
Lhasa Apso is a Chinese origin dog which is very athletic as well as highly attractive too. Seniors may find it very easy to take care of this dog as it is often well-trained and requires very less maintenance. Its life expectancy is 13 years and it can weigh up to 14 pounds. It is a very budget-friendly dog and its average length is 11 inches.
3. Scottish Terrier
This Scottish origin breed is very budget-friendly, but requires proper vaccination for a long life. It lives for 12 years and its average weight is 22 pounds. It has a very high energy level and adapts very well to extreme conditions.
4. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
The average weight of this dog is just 16 pounds and its length is 13 inches. This breed is very easy to train and has a life expectancy of 12 years.
5. Otterhound
This bulky dog is very much loved by seniors as well as by children. It is a big dog and weighs up to 50 pounds with 27 inches in length. It has a life expectancy of 12 years and is very budget-friendly.
6. Dendie Dinmont Terrier
This super dog has a weight of 24 pounds and can be up to 11 inches in length. It is a very understanding and loving dog and has a very unique feature that it sheds very less. It has a life expectancy of 12 years and has very high energy levels.
7. Keeshond
This budget-friendly dog is very easy to train and is very playful. Seniors may love to play and train this super dog because of its loving nature. Its average weight is 45 pounds and an average life expectancy of 13 years.
Although, caring for these dogs is easy, seniors may still need someone to provide extra assistance. In Milwaukee, live-in care experts can help your loved one take better care of his or her pet as well as provide much needed help in daily household chores.