Dos and Don’ts of Booklet Printing

Author: Jame Yung

Brochures backed by inimitable print quality can well be your virtual money-spinner of sorts. If designed with due care (keeping the latest trends in view) then it can well be explored as an efficient promotional tool. However, do remember that booklets or brochures are not really that easy. From accommodating substantial amount of text within a confined space to avoiding excesses of clip art—there is a lot which you have to prioritize. We believe that this particular rundown of the dos and don’ts of booklet printing singapore will help you make an informed decision regarding the proper usage of these effective business tools.

Dos of Booklet Printing

What is the first thing that you should follow religiously when it comes to booklet printing? It is to keep learning from your designer. These designers have not really landed up in the industry merely by accident. They know their designs. They know the materials that work the best with the designs. Never stop learning from them. You might have got a great eye for designs but if you are keen on learning how you can improve those designs you will be able to pave the way for improved booklets in future. After all when it comes to the interests of your business, there is no end to learning!

Maximize white space

We have already told you that accommodating substantive text within a confined space remains a challenge of sorts. One often ends up overlooking the importance of white space in booklets in these cases. As the experts put it – white space is actually your friend. If you are trying to cram all the information without maintaining minimal white space then your readers will inevitably lose attention mid way—so much so they might as well abandon the idea of reading it all the way.

Don’ts of Booklet Printing

It’s one thing to learn from the professional designer and quite another to interfere with their work just because it’s "your" business and you think you know way too much. Don’t really override each and everything that your designer has to say. Don’t violate their creative freedom. Don’t really end up "pouncing on them" for every single detail of the print. You should definitely make sure that you’re getting what you want but – in no way should that mean that you are actually leaving no room for your designer to breathe.

Don’t hire designers without checking credentials

Doing that actually remains one of the biggest mistakes that you can imaginably commit. Make sure you are zeroing in on services only after you have thoroughly investigated credentials. Kindly do not commit the mistake of settling for the cheapest services arbitrarily. You might as well have to pay heavily in terms of quality in that case.

Do remember these dos and don’ts of booklet printing in Singapore, order to make the most of the merits that these services have to offer you! You’re sorted! We hope this primer will help you make informed decisions in this regard.