What to Do After Leaving the Drug Rehab Facility

Author: Justin Harv

There is a number of professional drug rehabilitation facilities that can help you steer clear off drugs forever. However, it is of paramount importance to do some post drug rehab activities to ensure that you do not fall prey to drugs temptations again.

Here are some activities to help your recover fully during the post rehab period.

Find sober friends:

Most drug addictions usually come about as a result of peer pressure and influences. After leaving the rehab, choose your friends carefully. That is, avoid your former friends who are still drug addicts. Studies show that peer pressure is the main cause of drug addiction among teenagers.

Evaluate your locality:

Living in an area that is notorious for drug abuse will only make the withdrawal symptoms worse especially if you can see other drug users indulge in the vice. In such a scenario, it is recommendable to move to a safer neighborhood that is free from drug addicts. Otherwise, you will find yourself using the drugs again if you cross paths with drug addicts every now and then. Remember that some of these drug addicts may be your close friends.

Keep tabs on follow-up appointments

Most professional facilities offer post drug rehab counseling and follow up programs to patients. It is of paramount important to attend these appointments until your counselor recommends that you stop. Even then, you should avoid any activity or drug temptation that comes your way like plague.

Pay close attention to your mental health:

Intensive craving for drugs such as alcohol and cocaine can lead to stress, anxiety and even depression. Buildup of sadness as a result of depression can affect your ability to make informed decision and productivity at work negatively. One of the surest ways of promoting mental health is by taking part in stress-relieving physical activities such as Yoga and Gym. Novels and magazines can also help relieve the stress if you love reading.

Find yourself a support group:

There are hundreds of different support groups that you can join as a post drug rehab measure. The meetings are in most cases run by people who were drug addicts but managed to conquer their addictions. Here, you will learn various ways of fighting withdrawal symptoms as well as establishing long lasting relations with other members.

Consider helping someone else:

In rehabs, most people are encouraged to talk and discuss ways of improving their lives by taking with other people in the facility. However, helping someone else suffering from the same addiction can significantly boost your recovery process. Apply the skills and techniques used by your counselors in the rehab to help a friend. In the process, you will learn new skills that never thought you had.

Be alert for any signs of relapse:

As mentioned earlier, the fast weeks or months after rehab are some of the most tempting in an addict’s life. Based on this fact, it is recommendable for one to stay alert for any signs of relapse.