How Facebook apps are uplifting small businesses

Author: Hemendra Singh

Do you know what are the most used mobile apps in the world? Whatsapp and Facebook are almost equally used in today’s era. As we know, in 2017, 197 billion mobile applications were downloaded.

Facebook is the most used social networking app and is available on all platforms including Google’s Android, Apple’s iOS, BlackBerry, etc. Facebook is primarily used for social and business communications.

Let us see what are the statistics related to Facebook:

  • Facebook has 1.32 billion daily active users.
  • As per the data captured in the year 2017, Facebook has 2.01 billion monthly active users.
  • 79% of the USA citizens use Facebook. That is a huge percent!

  • According to a research done by Forbes, 50 million businesses use Facebook pages.

  • The research also shows that these pages receive more than 2.5 billion comments every month.

  • According to a report generated by Statista, India has the maximum number of Facebook users. It is not a shocking stat considering India’s population and the socially active people of India.

  • There are 270 million Facebook users in India.

  • There are 240 million Facebook users in the USA.

  • 22% of world’s population is on Facebook.

  • According to Smart Insight’s research, every minute 400 new users sign up for Facebook.

  • Facebook is available in 101 languages.

  • Best time to post on Facebook is Thursdays and Fridays between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m.

  • Brands post 8 times in a day on an average.

  • 57% of consumers believe that social networking sites influence their shopping where 44% are pointing to Facebook as an influencer.

  • User-generated content has 6.9 times more impact on consumers as compared to brand generated content.

  • Average CTR on Facebook ads across all industries is.90%.

  • Among the businesses that use social media marketing, 93% uses Facebook primarily.
  • Facebook generated a revenue of 9.16 billion US dollars from ads in the second quarter of the year 2017.
  • Among all the Facebook users who click on Facebook ads, 26% of users reported making a purchase.

These were the statistics that indicate a lot of things. Facebook is not at all a social media site only. It is used for various different purposes.

Facebook is also taking place in search engines. As we know, local vendors who cannot afford or require building a website tend to go for the Facebook business page.

When a buyer wants to make a purchase and looks for a local vendor, there are very fewer possibilities that the name of the vendor will be displayed on the Google’s 1st page.

Hence, people are using Facebook as a search engine where they can get the list of local vendors.

Also, works as a news channel. Any news, any new trend takes help of Facebook to spread like fire! Be it a natural disaster news, sports-related news, movie related news, social issue related news, fashion related news, etc; everything can be conveyed in seconds using Facebook.

Businesses are making optimum use of Facebook these days. As we know, it has been a decade that Facebook has got so popular in almost all big countries. As the world of digital develops, the innovative uses of social media channels also increase.

Big brands to small businesses, all are fond of Facebook. As we know, all age groups are using Facebook actively. From millennials to senior citizens, from students to CEOs of big companies, all are having Facebook accounts and are active on it. Businesses are taking advantage of this.

Especially small-scale businesses are uplifted using Facebook and other apps related to business on Facebook. As mentioned before, those who feel no need for the website or simply have no budget for websites can go for Facebook business pages.

Mobile App Development Industry has made many innovations and android app developers have come up with great apps that support Facebook businesses directly or indirectly.

When you talk about Facebook business, you cannot consider just Facebook business pages. Facebook ads are the most talked topic nowadays.

To run an ad on Facebook, business will need a campaign set up.

Android App Developers have developed some excellent apps that help you build campaigns on Facebook. Also, contest and promotion apps are developed by various mobile app development companies.

Also, email generation apps, lead generation apps are created to support businesses on Facebook. There are some apps that help you add various tabs on the Facebook page.

  1. Woobox: Woobox offers ready-made campaign for businesses. You can design campaign for platforms like mobile sites, blogs, popups, landing pages and social media. It also allows businesses to create coupons, and contests for their Facebook Pages.
  2. Heyo: Heyo is another app that allows you to create and design campaigns on Facebook. It offers customized templates too.
  3. Ripe social: This app allows 11 apps to build custom Facebook pages. Businesses can build custom brands on Facebook using this app.
  4. Pagemodo: Businesses that wish to add custom tabs to their Facebook page can do so using Pagemodo. It can add tabs such as offer coupon, show maps, etc.
  5. Shortstack: This is an interesting app that allows businesses to create complex and tough challenges for users in the form of contests.
  6. Tabfoundry: This amazing app gives you an option of handy drag-and-drop widgets to build a campaign. You can build contest and custom tabs on your Facebook page with the help of Tabfoundry.
  7. Tabsite: Tabsite allows you to create a tab in few minutes. You can add promotional tabs such as contest, sweepstakes, videos, etc.
  8. Facebook shop: This is a one-stop solution where the user can sell and buy products without redirecting to multiple pages. The user need not leave the page to buy something. This helps businesses drive maximum sales from one single medium.
  9. Storeya: Storeya is similar to Facebook shop. It offers different social media tabs, there is no requirement of manual uploading of products, no need of technical background and it also supports all currencies. Perfect isn’t it!
  10. MailChimp: As discussed before, email marketing can be interlinked with Facebook. MailChimp has an option that can connect your MailChimp account with the Facebook page. You can run Mailchimp on your pages once integrated.
  11. AWeber: AWeber allows businesses to sync email marketing campaign to your Facebook business page. It helps you capture more leads.
  12. Polldaddy: Facebook polls are used to understand what end users want and what changes can be made in current service or product. Polldaddy integrates with Facebook allowing you to run surveys, quizzes, and polls.
  13. YouTube Tab: It makes videos start to play in the Facebook feed. It was designed and developed to offer better user experience with better autoplay, resolution and tab stats. The best part about this app is that it is very easy to use.
  14. Livestream: Livestream, as the name suggests, allows businesses to display live videos. This can be useful if the businesses want to announce something important or want to share a mega event live. This can be viewed by millions of people around the world. This increases product awareness.


Businesses need to focus more on Facebook as the stats mentioned in this article indicates the increasing number of Facebook users. These apps help small business to reach their target audience and uplift their business.