Treats to Feed Goldfish

Author: Ken Boorman

Goldfish benefit from treats just as much as your dog does! Treats help keep their diet varied and they combat depression and boredom. Here are a few that your goldfish might like-

1. Sliced oranges.

This is one of those treats that almost all goldfish seem to love! Take the orange and make a thin slice — almost like you’re going to serve it on the side of a drink. You can then chop it up into tiny bite-sized pieces or leave it in a larger chunk for them to pick at. Just remember to take it out after about an hour so that you don’t risk your water quality!

2. Frozen bloodworms and brine shrimp.

Just remember to thaw them out first and then rinse the juice off before you offer them to your goldfish!

3. Live worms.

Earthworms can make excellent treats for your goldie, just keep in mind that you will probably have to cut them up into smaller pieces before you can offer them as a treat.

4. Goldfish flakes.As ironic as this sounds, goldfish flakes can make a relatively good treat — just don’t use them as your goldies only source of food. Make sure you place them underneath the water as opposed to allowing them to float on the surface — you want to prevent your goldfish from gasping at the surface.

Some Final Words Regarding Feeding GoldfishOnce you’ve realized that you will have to look somewhere other than the standard goldfish flakes in order to create the perfect goldfish diet, you’re well on your way to having a long-lived goldfish that will thrive! Just remember that the key to a healthy diet is variation, so don’t choose only one food. Instead, it’s best to rotate through several primary foods and supplement the diet with a few healthy treats as well.

If you are using any kind of dry or flake food always remember to moisten the food and then offer it below the surface of the water — a turkey baster works incredibly well for this!

And remember, your goldfish do not have to eat multiple times a day — or even every day for that matter. Depending on your individual stocking levels and tank size, it may be beneficial to your fish if they were fed every other day to help keep the ammonia down. If you choose to feed your goldie multiple time per day make sure you are only offering a small portion each time. Overfeeding will not kill him, however, the water pollution that results from an excess of uneaten food and increased fish waste will. Use a good canister filter to keep your tank clean.