The Unmatched Benefits of Organic Black Truffle Olive Oil

Author: Alexander Johnson

No matter what dish you are planning to cook, oil is typically one of the chief ingredients. The oil used in your recipe plays a significant role in providing the texture, flavor and fragrance you want. While shelves of grocery stores are brimming with a variety of oils, you want to pick something healthy and tasty. One option that is known for its exotic aroma and flavor is black truffle olive oil. In fact, truffle olive oil is one of the best ingredients in any chef’s kitchen as it offers unique aroma and taste. But it’s recommended you buy a natural best black truffle olive oil rather than a synthetic one.

There are only a few companies that produce and manufacture authentic truffle olive oil (i.e. oil extracted from the black truffle). Should you get your hands on organic adulterant-free black truffle, the benefits you enjoy are unique. But before we dig deeper into what black truffle olive oil offers, let’s find out what black truffle is?

Black truffle, also known as Périgord truffle or French black truffle, is a mushroom-like fungus native to Southern Europe. Because it’s now an exotic species of truffle, it’s one of the most expensive edible mushrooms in the world, causing the prevalence of synthetic truffle olive oil on the market.

Unlike synthetic truffle olive oil that has minimal benefits, pure truffle olive oil offers a range of health benefits. Black truffles are an excellent source of carbohydrate and provide you with 60 grams of carbs per 100 gm. They also contain a perfect amount of protein, which is what makes them an ideal source of olive oil to add to the dishes and food. Not only they are rich in carbs and proteins, but they also have both saturated and unsaturated fat, though the amount is quite low.

Moreover, black truffles are rich in essential minerals such as zinc, potassium, copper, iron, sodium and an array of vitamins such as Vitamin A, C, etc. Being rich in antioxidants, they possess anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties and help in the optimal functioning of the body.

In a nutshell, when buying the best black truffle olive oil, get it from a reliable online shop. After all, you can’t compromise on the quality of black truffle olive oil by opting for the "seemingly" pure varieties.