6 ways to increase brand awareness and customer engagement process

Author: Arun Singh

Consumers these days, spend most of their time on mobile phones. They are exposed to online video content, throughout the day. In a recent online study by statista, it was found that 25 million viewers stream videos in their mobile phones for at least 3-4 hours every month. And this graph is predicted to rise with the population growth and smartphone usage.

Now, marketers are taking huge benefits from mobile video advertising in their marketing plans. Check out the below-stated tips to increase brand awareness and customer engagement process-

Targeting and personalization

Targeting customers in a personalized way is always beneficial as it helps advertisers/marketers grab more eyeballs to their particular advertisement. Using mobile video messaging advertising platform like moLotus, marketers can easily send name, age, nationality and gender specific messages to their customers’ mobile phones.

Prioritize customer relationship

Marketers can send festival related high-impact video messages containing offers, rewards, and greetings instantly to their customers’ mobile inbox which keeps them engaged and delighted. It is a well-knitted combination of audio, visual, text, links and multiple response options messages that make communication superior and cost-effective than any other traditional means of advertising.

Get personal

Interpersonal communication between brand and customer is highly essential. It keeps the consumers retained and loyal. To maintain a personalized relationship with customers, marketers can try moLotus, a mobile video customer engagement platform. It enables the brands to send customized video messages directly and instantly to the target audiences.

Prioritize customer service

Getting feedback is a perfect way to improve! Marketers could stay on top of their customer’s issue by responding to their queries as soon as possible. To have a great tactic, brand’s number one priority should be to satisfy their customers. Using "Rate it", a feature of moLotus- a mobile video messaging platform, marketers can easily make their customers rate their products or services simply by sending an SMS.

Statistic business planning

moLotus is a revolutionary "no app-no data" marketing platform that reaches customers easily and effectively without using any mobile app or internet. It helps brands to enhance their response rate, generates new revenue, and reduces manual work as well as headcounts while maximizing profit. It also helps businesses automate their marketing processes while keeping their valuable data safe and secured from any kind of spamming.

Have clear calls-to-action

Click-to-call or call-to-action buttons are highly effective. It gives an added benefit to the customers to get all the relevant information about that particular promotion, instantly. It allows them to directly contact marketer via phone call, SMS or URL. This efficient feature of mobile rich media advertising platform makes communication process easier between consumer and brand.


The more the customer interaction, the better is the return percentage. Replacing the traditional versions of marketing platforms into mobile video advertising could lead to lead generation, brand awareness and customer engagement.