Human Centric Lightings Market by Solution, Service, Deployment Type, Organization Size, Vertical an

Author: Rahul Sisodiya

Human Centric Lightings Market Key players:

The key players in the market of human centric lightning are- Philips (Netherland), Osram (Germany), Zumtobel Lighting (Austria), NormaGrup Technology (Spain), Arcluce (Italy), Fagerhult (Swedan), Waldmann Lighting (U.S.), 3F Filippi S.p.A. (Italy), ES-SYSTEM S.A. (Poland), CoeLux (Italy) among others.

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Human Centric Lighting Market – Overview

Measures to improve productivity and regulate mood have led to the development of the lighting market that is human centric. Market reports by Market Research Future which concentrate on the Electronics & Semiconductors industry among others have recently published a report on this sector. The industry is expected to develop significantly in terms of revenue that is earned while expanding with a positive CAGR per cent in the forecast period.

Human centric lighting is focused on the regulation of the lighting in the environment with an aim to regulate positive mood cycles and enhance wellbeing. The sector is also especially considered essential for improving the aesthetic qualities of different interior spaces. Innovations in the past few years related to smart interiors have further boosted the market.

Regional Analysis:

Considering the regions covered for the purpose of this study, North America is the topmost market in the Human Centric Lightning industry with a sizeable market share and has been valued to achieve high growth levels in the forecast period. Industrialization is the main factor for growth of this sector. This sector also has wide-ranging role in the hospitality sector and as North America is becoming a lucrative region, this market holds good dominance over this market. The European market has appeared as the most rapidly developing market with a sizeable market share and growing with a complimenting CAGR rate. The Asia-Pacific market is the third largest market which has been valued positively in the forecast period and will develop favorably by 2027.

Industry Segments

The segmentation of the human centric lighting market is based on the following criteria:

On the basis of Application: Education, Office/commercial, Industrial, Residential, and Medical among others.

On the basis of Regions: Europe, North America, South America, Asia-Pacific and RoW.

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Industry Updates:

Feb 2018 A Human Centric Lighting (HCL) concept has been successfully implemented at Osram Opto Semiconductors headquarter office in Germany. The company carried out their decision to introduce the Human Centric Lighting (HCL) concept with the real-world system. The lighting placement features a brightly-lit façade for the company’s new main office block and interior lighting that the firm developed to improve the working setting for associates while at the same time it would improve sustainability.

Feb 2018 The Halo Home family of smart LED lighting products has been launched by Eaton’s lighting business unit which has been specifically designed for residential applications. The new linked solid-state lighting (SSL) product range operates under the new Bluetooth Mesh technology allowing PCs, smartphones and tablets to communicate straight with the luminaires. Eaton assumes that some customers could use these devices to equip individual rooms and spaces with Halo Home while others will link the entire house. The apps could also be developed to deliver human-centric lighting (HCL) type or circadian lighting experiences.