Is Sky ECC All That It Promises?

Author: Gsecc Gsecc

If you are a well-informed smartphone user one of the first things that you will do as soon as you get your smartphone is to find the best online system so that all your communications and all your data is safe. One of the most preferred security systems over the regular PGP blackberry or any other PGP phone is SkyECC.

Why is Sky ECC one of the best security systems that we have today? All the smartphone security solutions we come across promise great things but they deliver very little. Is Sky ECC also one such solution that promises great things but under delivers on its promises? No! This is where Sky ECC stands out from rest of the products available in the industry. You can rely on this advanced security solution and enjoy complete protection.

For you to understand how this system protects you it is important that you gain some more knowledge regarding how the other security solutions work and from where the hackers manage to steal the information. Most of us think that the information is stolen only from our mobile phone or from our device directly. This need not necessarily be the case. The hackers can steal the information without really having to access your device. There are number of other opportunities for them to capture your data.

Your regular encryption software tools do not give you the fullest benefits of encryption. If you are wondering why it may be so, the message headers remain in tact and only the messages are encrypted. For hackers who do this day and day out it is not difficult to put things together from the message headers. Further to that they will be tracking all the other messages and data that leaves out of your device and they reconstruct the information using bits and pieces of details foraged from other sources. If your message could be reconstructed by the hackers out of the encrypted mails then what is the use of encryption? Someone who has installed Sky ECC, this need not be the case.

There are also number of other features which make the Sky ECC stand out from the rest of the competition in the industry. Your chat messages are also protected through this security system. You can send out messages that self-destruct. You will not have to worry about leaving out traces of your messages sent through the messengers. Your messages will be deleted from your device, from the recipient’s device and also from the servers. So when you use a Sky ECC encrypted cellphone you will enjoy complete protection.

With the other security systems, the service provider generates the access codes for you which means they have access to the security codes. There are allegations that some of the service providers sell this information to third parties and thereby compromising your privacy. SkyECC removes all such risks as you are in total control of your access codes and passwords.