Get the Fines Range of Chequered, Interlocking Tiles and Kerbstone & Kerb Channel in Diverse Shapes

Author: Eco Cret

Chequered & Interlocking Tiles

We are supplying Chequered and interlocking Tiles those are suitable for numerous exterior and interior applications to enhance the decor of homes, restaurants, hotels and shopping complexes. These tiles are extensively appreciated for its look, quality, impressive and easy to clean features. We manufacture these Chequred and Interlocking Tiles using supreme quality raw material based on international quality standards. These tiles are available in various designs, colors and patterns. These are custom designed according to the specific requirements of the clients. Clients can avail from us at affordable price.


Best in class

Interlocking design

Smooth finish

Kerbstone & Kerb Channel

Kerb Channel and Kerbstones can be defined as a stone edging to a pavement or raised path. Normally it is used to separate walkways from main roads. You will find different types of kerb stone to suit for the different environments.

The kerbstones definition in the dictionary can be found as a concrete block and a long narrow stone lay along with others. Kerbs do a lot for you in terms of keeping you safe. Kerbs also have an important job of ensuring that rain water makes its way to a drain where it can be safely moved away from public areas. There would be many more puddles if it wasn’t for Kerbs.

Adding a kerb stone to your garden makes it look more beautiful, Kerbing helps us set areas for where we should walk or drive and also helps us define where we want our garden to end and the flower beds to start.

While kerb stones are concrete or long narrow stones lay along with others kerb channels are designed to use for drainage or as a barrier to prevent vehicles from leaving the road carriageway.

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