What Is The Blind Drop Ship

Author: Gic Lulu

This chapter will introduce the blind drop ship. In short, the drop ship is a retail business that sends the manufacturer’s product directly to the customer. The seller does not need to keep the inventory of merchandise, which greatly reduces the operational risk.

You can imagine you are a consumer, you find a package from a company on your doorstep, you’ve never heard of this company, but the items in the package were purchased by another company. At this point, you should realize that the company that sent you the goods is a wholesaler, you can search the relevant information on the Internet, and then you can save money by buying goods directly from the wholesaler. If you’re a smart consumer, that’s good, but if you are a seller, your customers are losing.

And how to solve the embarrassing situation? The answer is blind drop ship.

What is blind drop ship meaning?

Blind drop ship or blind shipping is mean that the product is concealed from the third party supplier, not from the vendor, and the information from the third part is removed from the shipping label. In other words, when shipping the product to your customers, it hides the information of the supplier and hide the price that you paid. Blind Drop shipping is a retail method that is gradually popular with the development of e-commerce industry.

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Although the blind drop ship can prevent your customer loss (the customer contacts the supplier to buy the product directly), it doesn’t prevent the supplier or manufacturer from directly contacting your customer through the information you provide. So we need double blind drop ship.

What is double blind drop ship?

In the blind drop ship that we just mentioned, only customers are "in the blind", and the customer does not know the actual source of the product. And in the double drop ship, the suppliers are also"in the blind" and does not know where their products are going to be transported.

To eliminate any information about the customer to the supplier and vice versa. The supplier will coordinate the shipment directly with the transport or through the cargo agent. In most cases, a link is arranged in the supplier’s warehouse and the supplier does not know where the goods will be sent.

Seems a little confusing? Yes, because the complexity of the double drop ship has caused it to be very expensive, so it is usually only used by a few businesses, and these firms are working with LTL to send a proxy order.

What are the benefits of blind drop ship?

There are many benefits to the blind drop ship, but the two most popular reasons are:

  • Customers have more confidence in purchasing directly from suppliers with inventory. With the blind drop ship, your customers will never know the difference.
  • The blind drop ship protects the seller’s rights and interests. You don’t have to worry about your suppliers contacting your customers directly through the information you provide, or trying get future orders directly from your customers.

Should I choose the blind drop ship?

If you are the seller of dropship, the answer to this question is yes. You can focus on the double drop ship based on your business type, which may take a lot of time and is very expensive, but it further prevents the vendor from selling the product directly to your customers. Either way, your dropship business depends on the customer buying from you, rather than directly from the supplier.

It’s most important thing to keep this healthy relationship in the first place, with a clear expectation and the constant connection between you and your suppliers. The supplier includes promotional materials in the delivery and encourages consumers to purchase next time. With respect to the supplier cooperation that you believe.

Now that you understand the value and importance of a blind drop ship, you can make a wise decision about whether it is suitable for your drop ship business.

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