Telemedicine: Benefits for Urban families

Author: Kiran Kumar Kadiyam

A decade ago, nobody would have even dreamt of the scope for healthcare services to the unreached parts of the country. Well! Today, it is not unrealistic anymore! Blending telecommunication with information technology to provide efficient healthcare services to even the remotest corners of the country - that’s the power of telemedicine!

The horizon

Making healthcare services accessible by overcoming barriers and being able to enhance the availability of it in the rural areas has been the prime motto of telemedicine. It is probably right to call it the horizon in Public Health. Technology, thus, has been a big blessing to many of us today.

Bridging the gap

India, being the largest democratic country and the second most populous in the world, is still under the problem of poverty, gender inequality, sanitation and lacks proper primary health care.

While the healthcare industry could face potential problems of not having trained experts and professionals, it nevertheless caters to some of the fundamental human issues, especially in the rural areas. Roughly 75% of the rural population is still struggling with insufficient infrastructure and lack of technological awareness. In scenarios like these, it makes a lot of sense for the inclusion of an efficient health care system, such as telemedicine.

How does it work?

The idea is to bring forward the best of both; medicine and communication. Care has been taken to ensure health services are made accessible to people alike at any point of the day.

The technology uses audio/video conferencing that connects the patients and the doctors. The telemedicine platforms are equipped to get a picture of the patient and his/her disease-related information. Channels are also enabled to disseminate the specialised knowledge among the medical community via advanced networks like emergency medical consultation, peer-to-peer reviews etc.

If need be, video conferences are arranged to discuss the problem of the patient with other experts in the field and ensure that the patients get only the right treatment and guidance.

The Scope

Now, taking a leap, although the rural population exclusively needs medical support interventions like telemedicine, which has been implemented quite well so far, the urban households need a similar intervention too, irrespective of their access to healthcare services.

Most of the urban households, although live in urban areas are not "urban" when it comes to their financial or social condition. They may be living in urban areas but mentally still leading a rural life.

Therefore, irrespective of whether it is a rural or an urban area, healthcare service is the most important for humanity, especially paediatric and emergency healthcare services are the crucial areas that undoubtedly need the best support at all times.

Telemedicine: How Urban families benefit through Telemedicine?

India being the world's second most populous country, does not guarantee better access to the healthcare services in its urban areas. But it is not just the rural communities that benefit from this. The urban population too has gained enormously from Telemedicine.

  1. Friendly access: The more familiar the nation gets, the quicker fast foods have crawled into our food basket. There are umpteen number of apps that can keep track of your calorie and remind you about your diet intake. This has or is slowly giving rise to a conscious food choice. Telemedicine has also moved close enough into families, slowly and personally, on the diet too. Dieticians and nutritionists now are available for a fee that is affordable and only a click away. For those who are looking for a mere consulting, many services come free of cost. The cost is directly proportional to the nature of the disease.
  2. Funding: The most significant relief today is the inclusion of the telemedicine by insurance providers. Companies are now stepping forward to make financing for them possible. Thus, with your virtual history and your virtual bills, it is now possible to claim money and seek funding. Finding the right insurance provider becomes essential.
  3. Access: Reaching doctors even in deserted and rural areas is now a possibility, and it comes as a saviour for all those people who suffer from mild or severe lifestyle diseases in urban areas. Telemedicine provides a ground for connecting with specialists, who may be miles away from you. Smartphones and internet help you get in touch with them.
  4. Cost and time effective: Given the busy and hectic schedule, consulting your doctor is now possible with a click of the button. You do not have to take time out of your office to consult them. Telemedicine makes way for remote monitoring, thus reducing the cost of hospitalization or consulting fee. Doctors also tend to have a number on how many patients they can see a day. Therefore, remote monitoring with the appropriate doctor will ensure you get the right treatment practically at any point of the day. Studies have shown that telemedicine costs at least $100 less than your official doctor visit. EBN reports a fee of $40 for one telemedicine service as against $215 for an actual appointed doctor visit.
  5. Caring for the immobile: This could be a benefit for both the urban and rural families. Telemedicine becomes the best choice when it comes to the patient portals that are complete with their history and their use of medicines. Thus, it is possible to connect with the doctors quickly. Your virtual doctor will be able to see you and diagnose you!

Telemedicine is a vast arena, and it has the power to revolutionise the healthcare services. With the use of transmission of still images, patient portals, video-conferencing, telemedicine is committed to offering only the best. The rural population is the biggest gainer of this novel system. While the urban areas and families continue to benefit from it, statistics tells us that the health care systems and care have become better with them. The most significant milestone of the project, however, is the unlimited and hindrance free access to your doctor and a smooth glide from one doctor to the other, without having to face any delay.