Car Accidents: Side Impact and Head on Collisions

Author: Donald McCall

This article will discuss the two most dangerous types of car accidents; head on collisions and side impact collisions, their common causes and common injuries.

Car accidents have become a common feature in everyday life. Statistics show that every minute in the day there is a car accident that occurs. This article will discuss the two most dangerous types of car accidents; head on collisions and side impact collisions, their common causes and common injuries.

Side Impact Collisions

A side impact collision is where one car hits another at an angle of about 90?. Another name for side impact collisions is T-bone collisions. This type of accident ranks second in causing the most deaths and injuries in car accidents each year. The main causes of side impact collisions are:

Failure to come to a complete stop at an intersection

Failing to yield – If vehicles arrive at an intersection at about the same time the driver on the right has the right of way and the driver on the left should yield.

Running a red light – this is very dangerous as the driver running the red light increases speed thus making the impact of the accident deadly.

Equipment failure – where brakes become faulty preventing a driver from stopping.

Unsafe turning across lanes – where a driver turns in front of oncoming traffic.

Common injuries associated with side impact collisions are:

Disc herniation and spinal compression – the force of impact can shatter discs around the spinal cord and could result in disc herniation



Tearing of internal organs

Fracture of legs, arms, hands

Punctured eardrums – this is caused by not having side airbags in one’s vehicle; the impact can force a person’s ear and face against the window putting pressure on the eardrum to the point of puncturing.

Tinnitus – this is caused by the deploying of side airbags; the impact of the airbags on the ear causes a painful ringing of the ears.

Head on Collisions

These are rated number one of the most dangerous type of accidents, even for cars at a low speed. Statistics show that head on collisions make up 2% of all accidents but cause up to 10% of all accident deaths. Common causes of head on collisions are:

Driver fatigue and sleepiness – long haul drivers, night shift workers succumb to sleepiness as a result of sleep deprivation and easily drift into oncoming traffic lanes.

Faulty traffic signals and sign

Poor road conditions – a driver could veer into oncoming traffic while trying to avoid an obstruction or potentially dangerous road condition in their lane; e.g. large potholes, road debris.

Common injuries associated with head on collisions are:

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

Neck and shoulder whiplash

Broken face bones – this is as a result of the speed at which the airbag deploys.

Back and spine injuries – the impact can be strong enough to bruise or sever the spinal cord.

Flexion distraction fracture – this is caused by the seat belt versus the car movement.

Decapitation – occupants who are not wearing seat belts can be flung out of the vehicle. through the windscreen.

If you are involved in a car accident in Sylmar and have sustained injuries seek out a law firm of personal injury lawyers for legal advice and representation.

If you want to consult motorcycle injury attorney, the author of the article recommends The King Law.