Things to Know Before Using a Small Dog Shock Collar
I completely understand the frustration with a barking dog but please know that barking is an absolutely normal behavior. Dogs bark for many reasons; nuisance or excessive barking may be due to loneliness or boredom and a bark control device can be a great option.
Whether you’d like to train your dog to stay in the yard, or you have a pooch with a fondness for constant barking, you need to consider a small dog shock collar/electronic collar (e-collar)/remote training collar.
Training a dog is quite tricky. Moreover, training a pup with the help of shock collars has always given rise to some sort of controversies among pet owners. Some have benefited from the use of shock collars, while others do not like the idea of hurting a dog to correct his behavior.
So the question arising is - Is it safe to use a shock collar for small dogs?
To answer the lingering question of a shock’s collar safety, ‘YES’ it is safe. Although the name ‘Shock Collar’ itself sounds quite dangerous and carries a negative nuance, they still serve a positive purpose for both the dog and the pet owner and hold a strong part of traditional dog training. While the shock collars do produce an electric stimulation, but it doesn't mean that the dog is being electrocuted. In fact, most shock collars come with varied frequency ranges at which they can be set to make sure that the minor shocks serves only as a warning of misbehavior and does not actually harm the dog. Lower frequencies are actually preferred for the training scenarios.
What should you know before using a shock collar for small dogs?
So if you’re considering shock collars for correcting your pooch’s behavioral problems, these are some of the things you need to know before buying one.
- The Adjustability Factor
A warning beep or vibration mode to start with is one of the good factors that a shock collar actually offers. They don’t administer the shock immediately, and actually gives the pooch time to correct his behavior. In this way, when your pup misbehaves and gets a shock, he/she will realize his wrong choice immediately.
- When Done Right is Effective
Using a small dog shock collars doesn’t necessarily have to take months. In fact, if your puppy understands what is happening, he/she will instantly relate the shocks with bad behaviors. There are pet owners who have successfully corrected their pooch’s bad behaviors with just a couple of shocks.
- It Works in Your Absence Too
This is one of the best things with shock collars. They will still work even if you are not around. So you can now rest-assured and leave your dog worry-free in your property without stressing about the pup annoying the neighbor as the shock collar will work as it is intended to.
- Avoid Accidental Shocks
Whether the shock collar is delivering shocks unintentionally or you are in control of the shock collar you are using, there is a probability that accidental shocks can leave your puppy confused. And instead of correcting the bad behavior, it may give rise to some new ones. So you need to be very careful with that.
Bottom Line
When using a small dog shock collar, it is vital to make sure that you get the one that is age-appropriate and one right for your training needs. Also, don’t forget talking to a professional trainer before using one. Imprint this in mind that you just want to train your dog for proper behavior and do not want to instill any kind of fear.
Are you planning to get a small dog? Do let us know in the comments section below of what you think of shock collars.