The Surprising Ingredients For New Team To Work Better

Author: Vartika Kashyap

This topic fascinated me long back when I saw the depressing scenes of most of the companies losing track on their teams. So, I started researching more on it. When I was in grad school of management, I did my first job of managing people. It was a college assignment and I implemented my ideas on a team of 8 people. I received good insights but I had trouble in managing a few things as there were not enough strong patterns of management. Then I read books, grabbed inspiration from other leaders to improve my leadership abilities and gradually I became a perfectionist.

I was under the delusion of managing teams by keeping everyone under my control, then I gave a thought about developing a healthy working environment for the overall success of the team. And I could see a big change. To my surprise, it is really important for managers to have a clear mindset and a burning passion for the teams to work better. After years of working with the marketing team at ProofHub, how good managing skills can transform the way of working with the team and their ability to deliver the objectives.

In this article, I will give you an in-depth understanding of the best ways to pick for your team to work better. Create a high performing team out of anything by these surprising ingredients:

Collaboration within teams

What is the recipe for high performing teams? Collaboration is the key. People have a different perspective on when and how to collaborate during a project within a team. When bringing a diverse group of people together, a collaboration software will help to overcome the challenges in the team by making communication easy, taking a step further to help you turn your conversations into actionable work. A collaborative approach will not only build confidence in a team but also develop a positive attitude in the team. Every team member will be able to contribute their ideas in their respective areas, remove roadblocks, and increase productivity so that the teams can deliver the results faster.

Clear and compelling goals

Oftenly, the actual goal is what’s getting in the way of achievement. Having goals will help your team create the future in advance, push them to transform in a better way and working towards one goal will make successful projects. Setting clear common goals will lead to a compelling future, the work will be done well and everyone will know what the whole team is working on. The quality of work will improve as the team as a whole will share the same understanding of what they have to accomplish. Sometimes, poor teams actually have conflicting goals. So, if you're managing a team, make sure that the team's goals are explicitly stated for everyone on the team.

Create focused free time

Are you scheduling in your free time? I am sure many of you might not be. Most of us just let the free time happen if it happens. Free time is a rare luxury for teams and that is one of the big mistakes that we do. No matter how long is your to-do list, every company should take a step to give their teams substantial free time daily for them to enjoy the fruits of their efforts. Your employees will certainly feel better because they will have to work passionately and actively contribute to pursuing their ideas.

Engagement, feedback, and recognition

The strength of the team lies within the team. When the ideas are shared within the team, a team not only work best but also creates the perfect environment for productive results. Let’s consider the three categories separately:

Engagement: Engaging everyone in your team will drive business growth and will give a clear understanding of how a business is fulfilling its purpose. It is all about being involved in the team completely, empowered and trusted.

Feedback: A two-way feedback, both positive and negative is valuable for the team. Let your flowers (team) bloom by watering (feedback) them regularly.

Recognition: Employee recognition should be a part of every organization to make the team members feel positive about themselves and will encourage more of their actions. Let each team member know they are important to you.

Does your business strategy include all four of these ingredients? If no, then it's the right time to take action and see what you can cook up for your team. Aristotle said, " The whole is more than the sum of its parts", this holds true for good teams.