5 Easy Ways to De-Cluttering Your Business & Save you from Chaos

Author: Donnelly Houston

You know you are not the most organized person, and when it comes to getting organized, you know that’s not your area of strength.

Ever had a day at work where you feel like your brain is about to pop from the amount of work you need to finish? Well, you are not alone! That’s why we created this 5 easy ways to declutter your business. Just follow our steps, and you will be staying focused, organizing your tasks, creating good work habits and being motivated at the same time!

5 Significantly Ways To Decluttering Business1. Stay Focused

It’s difficult to stay focused when there are too many distractions at work. Although you know you need to get things done as soon as possible, you get side-tracked with other tasks. Instead of focusing yourself on the important tasks, you find yourself working on the urgent jobs.

Important tasks will help improve your business while urgent tasks are mostly made up of mistakes you made in the past. If you keep on working with the urgent tasks instead of the important tasks, your business will remain stagnant. It will not grow.

Try to avoid distractions by closing some of your messaging apps. You know very well these urgent tasks come from these kinds of apps. So, if you want to keep your focus, clear all the possible distractions that may steal away your attention.

Put up an ‘Important Tasks Vs. Urgent Tasks’ and set aside time to do the important tasks. If you feel that you never find time to attend to them, then you have to really relook at what are the time wasters to cut away, and what are the tasks that can be systemized, outsourced and can be used for marketing automation solutions. You want to make sure you’re making time for your important tasks like capability building.

Be mindful of tasks that can be done more effectively by having a documented process, using systems or tools. For example, if it takes you a lot of time onboarding a newcomer to the company, consider having an onboarding SOP, pre-recorded training videos, and an automated feedback loop, to make sure they are well assimilated into the company.

Remember, your business should not be stagnant; it should be growing.

2. Schedule Task or Branch out tasks

Learn to schedule your task by batch. Instead of opening your email every hour try opening them at an interval of four or five hours for example. Or you can do it at a scheduled time for example after work, early morning or during lunch breaks. Batching your tasks lets your mind stay focused on one specific task at hand. Your attention will be undivided because you are focusing on only one task instead of trying to do everything.

Take a look at this example, Mr. Law checks his emails every hour. Mr. Law’s mind is continually being disturbed by the contents of the emails he reads, and when a complaint reaches him, he gets flustered over. His mood is also affected, and this limits his ability to listen to meetings and reports properly.

This scenario can be common for you. According to a study conducted by the British Columbia University on average business owners check their emails 15 times a day. And the study discovered that the people who checked their emails less are happier, and become less stressed.

On average business owners receive up to 150 emails per day, as found by the research conducted by The Radicati Group, Inc. And it has been stated as one of the primary stressors in the workplace with 92% of employees showing signs of higher blood pressure because of it.

Doing your tasks in batches allows you to avoid these complications and it allows you to do more with your time.

3. Use organisation tools

There’s a variety of tools that can help you organise your business faster. One of which is the Project Management Tools, such as Asana and Trello. These tools are handy when it comes to either team or a one-man project. Using these tools, you can check the progress of the ongoing projects without calling for your team, set due dates for the project. A place where you can collaborate with your team.

You can also use popular Calendar Booking Systems like Calendly or Time Trade. One thing that can take a good chunk out of your time is emailing to and fro with your prospect to set up an appointment. With Calendar Booking Systems, you simply send him a link, and that brings him to your available time slots to book. They even have meeting reminders sent via email or SMS, so they never miss the meeting.

Accounting Tools can help you big time in keeping track of all your accounts. Especially when you have incoming bills, outgoing invoices, and receipt to be issued. If you do not have a bookkeeper, you might need to reconcile bank statements with invoices and bills, Manually doing all of these is going to eat up all your time. Even if you have a bookkeeper, the accounting tool can give you reports at your fingertips, instead of asking your bookkeeper for it.

Every minute of your time is valuable, so if you want to be productive, better start using these tools.

4. Form Habits Being Organized

One of the good organization habits to develop is starting your day with the end in mind. By having a goal to reach you are going to be more focused to achieve it. And forming a habit of beginning your day with a happy mindset can have positive effects on your productivity.

You will feel less stressed and more motivated to do your work. Aside from being enthusiastic about your day, having a plan before you go to sleep increases your chances of finishing them from 25% to 75%. When you tell your brain that you will be doing this task tomorrow, will prep it and become more aware of what it needs to accomplish. As Tony Robbins says "80 percent of success is due to psychology - mindset, emotions, and beliefs - and only 20 percent is due to mechanics."

Learning to work on a task in batches is also a good habit to get organized. As stated in point two handling work in batches is more effective and efficient compared to doing it in a separate task.

And do outsourcing, do not spend time doing menial tasks if you can have others to do it for you. Your time is precious and should be spent wisely. This way you can stay focused on the important tasks. Close messaging apps while you’re working. Make it a good habit of staying focused on your work.

5. Stay Motivated for your Clients

Your focus should be the clients’ success and satisfaction; if the clients are not happy, there might be something wrong with the way you're managing your business. Make the clients your motivation to keep moving forward. Remember your clients are the center of your business, if your business is stuck, they're stuck as well. Clients are not obligated to be with you, and they will leave if they no longer feel attached to your brand or feel your service is useful.

You should not be focusing on fixing the mess you have created, but rather, you should set our eyes in satisfying your clients.

Do not focus merely on increasing your revenue, instead motivate yourself to create an advantage over your competitors. Take a look at what's trending in your industry, if everyone else in your is keeping up with the trend and you're not. It's time you change for good.


Decluttering your business is not just about cleaning your office or hiring someone to organize your files, it goes beyond that. It starts with the mindset to change, the resources to utilize organization tools like Marketing Automation with CRM Singapore, and the willpower to turn things around. So, the questions are, do you have the commitment in you to follow these five steps and organize your business for the better?