Manual Handling: Training And Guidelines

Author: Chris Dave

Many workers in a worksite do not know the importance of the manual handling and its awareness. Improper handling of heavy loads is one of the most common causes of accidents in the workplace.

Factors which can increase the mechanical loading in the spine and muscles are listed below:

  • The weight of the load * The distance of the center of gravity from the fulcrum of the spine * The inclination of the trunk

This is a major cause of work time lost with huge numbers of people suffering harmful injuries from not following proper steps put in place to allow staff to properly lift loads. It is really important to teach your employees how to safely move heavy items either by lifting, carrying, lowering, pushing or pulling them. A valid manual handling course from any certified institution can assure the correct handling of heavy loads by the staffs in the workplace. Steps to ensure safer lifting and handling:

1. Identify the task which needs to be done.

Before performing the task, we have to study the nature of the task such as the exact weight of the load, how many loads you have to lift at the same time, exact distance that load has to carry. The proper identification is really required before weightlifting in a workplace.

2. Decide the limitations.

After identifying the task and the actual weight of the load, the next important step is to identify your limitations like how much weight that you can lift and how long you can carry it and which all positions are comfortable for you based on the nature of the load environmental conditions, and your training for implementing the task.

3. Identify the risk-reducing methods.

There are many methods which will help you to reduce the risk due to improper manual handling up to certain limit such as seek help for heavy loads which you can’t lift by yourself or identify if there is any machines can do it for you.

4. Rearrange the task.

Rearranging the lifting task which helps you to reduce the risk by breaking the distance with more resting point and You may be able to push load instead of pull. 5. Identify the nature of the load.

If it is very difficult to lift the whole load by yourself alone, check whether it can break up the load into smaller items to make it lighter.

6. Analyze the work environment.

First, you have to analyze the route which you are going to walk with the load. Remove the obstacles from the walkway. Try to avoid steps, ramps, twists, and turns; consider whether the lighting should be improved or whether to use the personal protective equipment.

7. Proper plans for safe lifting.

Decide what exactly will be done and how before you start would it help to have someone walking in front and/or behind to warn others and watch out for hazards; and always communicate your plan with others, including colleagues who are helping with the lift and also those who work in the vicinity.

8. Get proper manual handling awareness training.

A proper manual handling training will help you to execute the task with any risk. A certified trainer will help you to understand how to handle the heavy loads safely and easy steps to lift. Each and every worker in a construction site must take an awareness manual handling course to avoid risks.

Manual handling is an everyday task in most workplaces. Safe manual handling techniques tend to focus on the initial lift, and it is important to get this stage of the process right. A good awareness can help every person who performs this manual handling task properly. There are many certified centers which provide manual handling training at the very affordable price.