Facts You Should Know Before Car Painting Begins

Author: Network Auto Body

Your car's paint quality and finish play an important role in its outer looks. A shining, scratch free car attracts everybody's attention on the road, while a car's body with many scratches and faded paint at places is like an eyesore, specially to its owner. There are many reasons why your car might need a paint job- car accident, exposure to harsh environmental elements over a period of time, cracking or peeling of paint, or simply a paint job that has lasted beyond its shelf life. A good quality car painting service Los Angeles is all you need to make your car shining and gleaming like a brand-new car again.

Before you get your car painted, you must also know some facts related to it so that you can make the right choice for you and your vehicle. Read on to know more about these facts.

Painting a vehicle can take some time

If you want good quality paint job that can last for a considerable period of time, you should know that it can take 4-7 days to thoroughly paint your car, even though some paint shops boast a turn-around time in 3 days or less. During this time, you will need to plan for an alternative transportation and how you will go about accomplishing your routine tasks without your regular vehicle. Though each paint shop tries its level best to keep its turnaround time realistic, some unforeseen circumstances can prolong this process, due to which you need to make an alternative arrangement.

Painting requires removing the interior

Many car owners are not aware that painting of car may require removal of everything from the interior of your car during the painting process. This may include dashboard, console, seats, etc. It is because there is some risk that these items could be damaged during the painting process, so it's safer to remove them before painting process. Additionally, the presence of these interior items may impede with the paint process.

Prep work has to be completed before painting can begin

Painting is a process that is not started before a prep work is completed. This involves the paint team to remove several layers of old paint job and repair any damage that may be there on the metal surface itself. This involves detecting and repairing dents and dings, scratches, pits, rust spots, holes, etc, so that an even base could be prepared before the final painting process begins.

Painting adds value to your car

New paint adds value to your car as its new-like finish is restored again after years of use. Old car with new paint will look fresher and more valuable. Contact your car Insurance company auto body shop Los Angeles when you're considering getting your car painted. You can get compensation from insurance company for the paint job completed by a certified auto body shop Los Angeles. Your car deserves a fresh lease of life which you can give it by a new paint job.