Large Size Zorb Balls Sports

Author: Mikejasonlee Jason

These zorb balls ( are well recognized for their rolling abilities with human beings inside them. This is especially on mountainous or hilly areas. The player’s task is to just relax and let the ball do the rest.

A Zorb ball consists of an inner and outer ball, with harnesses installed inside them. The inner ball is separated from the outer by a gap of air whose main purpose is to absorb shock and keep the ball inflated so as to enable continuous movement/rolling.

Below are the steps followed to complete a Zorbing activity;

  • First of all, enter the Zorb ball and strap yourself with harnesses. This makes you more comfortable and enables you to roll without changing your position.
  • The ball is then closed and inflated using an air pump or blower. This increases the size of the ball by regaining its round shape, thus putting it in a moving or rolling shape.
  • The ball is then released on a hill/gentle slope from where it rolls down.
  • You will then experience a lot of fun.
  • When the ride is over, the ball is opened/deflated and the player comes out of the ball.

Other safety measures to carry out with Zorb balls;

  • Endeavour to check and maintain the fields/floors you are to play from. This is to make sure that the field is free from any objects such as rocks, sticks, glasses or metals that can interfere with the inflatable ball’s body.
  • Endeavour to always cross check the balls before and after Zorbing. This is to ensure that the balls have no punctures or frictional burns. If any, immediate repair should be carried out.
  • It’s recommended not to play all alone. You should play along with friends, family or a well-trained team that will constantly watch out for your safety.
  • Players under the influence of DRUGS/ALCOHOL are RESTRICTED from playing.

Finally, a Zorb ball ( is for both children and adults to use.