6 Ways to Gain Work-Experience in the Legal Field

Author: Legal Labs

The legal industry in Singapore is blooming. However, there has been an increasing demand from the employers for candidates who can immediately start their jobs. This means the companies are looking for candidates with experience. You might have the required education, ability, and the ambition but as long as you lack the experience, it can be difficult to find to find a legal job in Singapore.

If you are looking for gaining experience so that you can grab law jobs in Singapore, here’s a look at the 6 ways:

1. Contract work

Contract jobs make for a good option to gain work experience in the legal field. Since law firms and corporate legal departments are always finding ways to reduce litigation costs, the demand for contract employees has increased. Contract workers are not considered an employee of the company but independent contractors that have been hired by the company for working on specific projects on a contract or short-term basis. The contract employee is discharged at the end of the project. However, the project can last from few days, and months to several years.

2. Temping

Temporary employment is yet another way of gaining valuable experience in the legal industry. Temporary employees are mostly placed through a staffing agency for short-term assignments. They earn less than their permanent counterparts because the legal staffing agency takes a significant part of their hourly pay. They do not even receive the perks of employment. It is, however, a good way to explore opportunities and the company might offer them a job at the end of the project.

3. Part-time jobs

Even if the company you aspire to work with doesn’t hire you as an attorney, many law firms have a wide array of other positions, such as file clerks, messengers, court filers, data entry clerks, copy room personnel, and clerical staff. While these part-time legal jobs in Singapore might not pay you high, they certainly offer experience which can help in enjoying better opportunities.

4. Internships

Internships can be found at any law firm in Singapore but these jobs are usually unpaid. Internships are not advertised and you might have to do a little digging and exploring to find one.

5. Volunteer work

There are many legal companies desperately looking for volunteers. Though unpaid, volunteering is a great way of obtaining quality work experience. Companies will offer substantial and meaningful tasks which can make a big difference to your pool of knowledge.

6. Extracurricular activities

If you are still studying in a law school, extracurricular activities can offer useful experience to get a foot in the door of employers. Students can participate in mock court competitions, writing competitions, writing clinics, and school-related journals to sharpen their skills. Explore the web for more information on how to apply for the legal jobs in Singapore.