Sleep, see and live better with blue blocking glasses
It should come as no surprise that most people are addicted to their digital devices today. They spend long hours in front of their computers, and they are on their phone at all times, thanks to how the world works today. Every person is online around the clock. And that certainly is not good. Sure, modern displays like LED are stunning; they produce excellent pictures, so you can play games and watch movies in crystal clarity. That being said, prolonged exposure to the same displays can strain your eyes and interfere with your sleeping patterns to such a degree that you can get mentally and physically affected by it, without even realizing.
Why are modern displays dangerous?
Modern displays emit what is the visible part of the light spectrum – blue light. Blue light has an intense energy with a shorter wavelength which causes your eyes to strain. But it is not only digital displays that emanate blue light. Besides all sources of artificial lighting (TVs, computers, laptops, smartphones, tablets, electronic devices, and fluorescent and LED lighting), the sun is also guilty for emitting blue light.
It has been scientifically and medically observed by well-known centers of research such as the National Institute of Health, American Optometric Association and John Caroll (Research) University that blue light-related eye strain and the ensuing erratic sleep patterns do long-term harm to your body and mind.
How to prevent the harmful effects of blue light?
Blue light blocking glasses can certainly filter out a huge part of the unhealthy blue light. Though their mainstream adoption is still very far, celebrities and scientists far and wide use them on a day-to-day basis.
Blue light tricks your body into thinking it is daytime when it is, in fact, dead of night. This can increase fatigue, stress and muscle strain that can spiral into life-threatening health conditions over a course of time. By good fortune, blue blocking glasses can shield your eyes from blue light at night so you can enjoy a good sleep and wake up feeling fresh and relaxed.
Blue blockers absolutely do the trick; not only do they help you sleep more effectively, but you are also more likely to improve your sight and see things more clearly. This is why they are of great value to every screen addict all over the world.
So, if you want to sleep better, feel more cheerful and protect your eyesight for the rest of your life, consider getting yourself a pair of blue-blocking glasses.