Five things gblt people should know about online dating

Author: Montiy Morish

On the face of it, online dating is perfect for the LGBT communities - not least because it can sometimes be difficult for people in those demographics to meet compatible others, and the internet widens your pool of potentials significantly. In truth, however, it's sometimes a little more complex than you might imagine; there are a few considerations to bear in mind and a few things you ought to know before you begin. Thankfully, we're here to demystify the experience for you with these five quick bits of advice.

1. Bisexuals Might Need To Search A Little Harder For The Right Site

Quite a lot of the major dating sites have the option to fill in something like "I am a woman/man seeking a woman/man" - which is all well and good for those who are at one end of the Kinsey scale or the other, but for everyone else is really quite exclusionary! There are websites that let you specify that you're interested in multiple genders, but you might have to hunt around for them a little.

2. At Least One Of The Big Six Still Only Caters To Straight People

While most dating sites are now at least a little inclusive, still only caters to straight people. Relationship Advice To a certain extent, eHarmony is a very conservative place; it's not GBLT-friendly, it's very specifically monogamous-only, it's not even remotely kink-inclusive and it's aimed very squarely at a certain and highly conventional demographic. Unless you happen to enjoy conservatism, it's probably best avoided for most intents and purposes.

3. It's A Good Idea To Look Up Some Dating Site Reviews Before You Begin

There's a lot of good argument for reading reviews of dating sites before you begin - and one of the things they're useful for is letting you know how GBLT-friendly a particular website is or isn't. Different demographics congregate in different places, and the best sites for men and women to find each other are not necessarily the same as the best sites for people of different sexualities and gender identities to seek each other out.

4. This Is Where Smaller Niche Websites Really Come Into Their Own

You need to be careful with smaller dating sites, because they are sometimes scams - but that effect is actually lessened if what you're looking for is a niche site, like one for something you're particularly interested in sexually or one aimed at a certain kind of GBLT relationship (like bear/cub, for example). Of course, lots of GBLT people won't be able to find a niche site that interests them - but if you can, you might find you have better luck there than out in the bigger sites.

5. This Could Still Be The Best Decision You Ever Make

Despite the fact that it's a little more complex for you than it is for a lot of people, there's still a good chance that this will prove to be one of the best decisions you ever make from the perspective of your love life.