How to Deal With Low FPS in PC Games

Author: Brook Perry

Low Frames per Second (FPS) is one of the most annoying and frustrating things that a PC gamer can ever experience. Distorted images, diluted graphics, uncertain crashes, delayed action, and many other issues can interrupt your enjoyable gaming experience. A video is a compilation of thousands of pictures that are played back in rapid succession along with a pre-defined mood, theme, music, and chronology. Sometimes PC gamers have to compromise on gaming genre, quality, resolution, and color schemes in order to adjust to the low frame rate. It may also lead you to reluctantly stop from playing the games that you actually love a lot.

The problem is not always with the software or the quality of the gaming CD, rather in a lot of cases, the cause of low FPS is the hardware component. Hardware replacement is the only solution that is available to users, if their system is the victim of low level configuration. While in other cases, a low frame rate can be due to software errors or issues and can be fixed easily without much hassle. Various components of your computer are responsible for transmitting video and some of them can be the common cause of low frame rate.

In this article, we will cover five different reasons why you may be getting low FPS, as well as how you can fix each one of them.

1. Outdated hardware components

It is ne of the most common causes of low FPS and most of the users are facing this issue as they are still continuing with their age-old PCs. Outdated technology of your hardware and latest visual and well as sound technology used in HD games don’t fit compatible with each other therefore, results in producing less frames per second. No matter how many updates you’ve installed or the number of times you’ve formatted your PC, the outdated technology will never be able to match up-to-par with the new technology.

How to fix?

The fix strategy in this case is the most expensive one as you will need to do expenses on upgrading your box like PC to a full-bloom advanced machine. Upgrading the components one-by-one is the initial stage of this strategy and you can start from getting a new video card and processor. Sometimes, purchasing a new power supply, memory, and motherboard can also help in resolving the issue with ease.

If your PC is not performing up-to-the-mark, then you can also think of purchasing a new system all together. Alternatively, you can also build your own gaming computer by using cheap power supplies and motherboards that can cut additional costs and maximize profits. Building your own gaming PC gives you the complete control over the quality of the components that you wish to choose and apply.

2. Video settings are too high

If you’re a gaming freak and can’t get a new PC or upgrade your current one, then adjusting the video settings of your PC can help you in continue gaming. Researchers have proved that the higher your video settings are set, the more workload is there on your computer and, the more workload you place on your PC, the slower it will operate. Adjusting the video settings too high will essentially be overwork for your video card and processor, hence, slows down the PC as well as the programs running on it. This overworking will slow down the games and lead to a low frame rate problem.

How to fix?

To fix this, simply go to the video setting of your device and reduce them to the lowest possible value to play games on a level that your computer can handle. This may require some time and effort, but you need to adjust the settings until you find the perfect balance between performance and graphics.

3. Clean your PC

In the highly populated and polluted cities, your computers become the perfect place for dust to accumulate. Excessive dust inside your system will restrict the air flow and will force your components to get hotter than the usual. Cotton threads, dust particles, food crumbs, pet’s hair and others can block the air bent of your device and result in overheating of the inner components. It’s quite obvious that when a computer component gets too hot, its performance level will tend to decrease. The higher the temperature will go, the more poorly the components will perform.

How to fix?

Cleaning the dust out of your device is not a difficult task. Take a can of compressed air and spray it in the dust prone areas to clear it within a few minutes. Take out 10-15 minutes of spare time and clean the exteriors of the PC by using a damp cloth or mild solution used on a cotton cloth.

4. Look for viruses

Viruses, malware, spyware, rootkits, worms, Trojans and other are huge resource hogs that slow down the functioning of a normal working PC. These infections will silently sit in the background, from one system to another or networks, and consumes a huge amount of memory space. Therefore, the more space the virus will acquire, the more time the processes on your device will take to carry out a particular action. Your machine might get overwhelmed with the extra load thus, enforce you to see a drop in your frame rate.

How to fix?

To fix this issue, run a virus removal plan on your PC or take help from a tech expert to remove it completely from your device. For future protection, you can install an antivirus program and that can be easily downloaded online or purchased from various reputed security software companies

5. Install bug-fix for better performance

You may have the best configured system in the whole world, but until you install the latest bug-fix of your favorite game, it won’t perform satisfactorily. Developers put many efforts and skills to code bug-fixes of your favorite game that can change something in its mechanics.

How to fix?

Always install the latest bug-fix from your game manufacturer’s official website, otherwise your hardware may not fit compatible with the drivers and most probably you will see a dip in performance.

Keeping your firmware, antivirus, OS, and other programs updated will keep the infections away from your device and will help it to perform better. It is recommended to stick with the latest drivers and install all the latest updates to ensure that your programs are at par with the latest technological trends. If possible, adjust the OS settings in a way that it should install all the available updates automatically. It is not necessary that always the issue will be with the system, OS, or the program, instead a low resolution game can also bring low FPS. Look for the information that has been provided by the manufacturers on their official website or simply turn back the CD box.

About the Author: Hi! I am Brook M. Perry, a prolific blog writer and keen author of articles related to online tablet support and solution for issues related to computers and mobile devices. Being associated with the reputed best pc tuneup service provider Qresolve, I have resolved thousands of tech issues for our customers from worldwide. My areas of interest are PC security, endpoint security system, router support etc. You can follow me for my useful remote computer support articles on Ezine and other article-oriented websites.