How Mobile Phlebotomy is Innovating the Healthcare

Author: Susan William

The advanced technology has resulted in vast improvement of the healthcare services. The innovation has transformed all aspects of healthcare including surgical procedures to the advent of Blood Test Laboratory E-Health phlebotomy services.

The idea of innovation of mobile labs is revolutionary. Getting routine and specialized blood tests have never have been easier than it is with mobile phlebotomy. This has reduced the need for the people to travel just to have their blood drawn for tests. The American Red Cross advocates that every two seconds in the U.S, someone needs blood. This blood is first screened for infection and blood markers before donation.

How ideal it would be if the blood of the donor could be tested for potential markers through a mobile specimen before deciding on his need to travel to the hospital to donate blood. This is one of the many examples where the patients, as well as the healthcare institutions, get benefit from the Blood Test Laboratory E-Health.

The Advent of Mobile Phlebotomy Services

The introduction of mobile phlebotomy services was intended to take the laboratory to the patient. The reason behind this was to help the patients who were unable to travel to the laboratory or were bed-bound for plenty of reasons. With necessity being the mother of invention, the mobile phlebotomy services came into being.

This is a very simple idea with mobile labs possessing the trained phlebotomists as well as other facilities required for blood drawing.

This means the phlebotomy can be performed anywhere the patient is located which includes their home as well as assisted living house, nursing house or any other care centers.

The next crucial is the appropriate storage of the sample and its transportation while it is being kept in the right condition to preserve its viability required for testing. This has proved to be the most suitable alternative patient s that cannot reach the lab.

What Services Should Ideally be Offered by a Blood Test Laboratory E-Health:
  1. Routine Draws
  2. Stat Draws
  3. Standing Orders
  4. Saliva kits (and specimen collection)
  5. Specimen pick-up and delivery services
  6. Routine and 24-hour urine collection
  7. Stool specimen kits (and specimen collection)
  8. Glucose Tolerance
  9. Pediatric blood draws and heel sticks
  10. Special Kit (i.e. breath testing)
  11. Paternity Testing (sample collection)