Today's life style & its effects on our health
Author: Herbal Hills
Today's lifestyle is fast paced lifestyle. To be with the people around you, one has to accept today's lifestyle. Today's lifestyle doesn't mean totally good or totally bad. Bad lifestyle affects on diminishing your health & good lifestyle leads to increased health.
There are various types of bad lifestyles like:
- Eating on the run, faulty diet
- Sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise
- Stress & Anxiety, tiredness etc
- High intake of beverages
- Alcohol consumption & smoking
- Habits of eating sweets or high calorie diet
- Overuse of drugs etc.
- Environment etc.
Good lifestyle includes
- Eating a well balanced Nutritional diet
- Regular exercise, increase your level of physical activity
- Get plenty of sleep & Rest. Reduce stress through meditation & yoga
- Drinking more of water
- Change your eating habits
- Consult a doctor before taking any medicine
- Conventional & Complementary therapy should be used together
- Be away of UV radiation, toxic chemicals, using chemicals etc
Effect on your health of today's lifestyle
- Faulty diet, sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise leads to Indigestion, constipation, which ultimately leads to Obesity, Joint problems etc.
- Eating a well balanced nutritious diet reduces fat and cholesterol, healthy digestion, Detoxification & thus reduces the possible of heart problems, weight problems etc.
- Regular exercise keeps the joints flexible, proper functioning & also helps in maintaining a healthy body.
- Excessive fat, alcohol, sugar, inadequate consumption of proteins, vitamins, minerals etc. result in decreased Immunity.
- Depression, Emotional problems, lack of sleep can lead to various diseases such as Alzheimer, Parkinson & other brain, hair problems, Obesity, headache etc.
- Relaxation, adequate sleep & rest improves concentration, enhances memory, decreases hair problems, eye problems etc