Essential Measures to Keep Online Banking Secure

Author: Aida Martin

Online banking saves much time; it is indeed amazing. Previously, one had to go to the bank, stand for hours in lines and then meet the public officials. Now it is quite easier to make transactions. E-banking has made things easier. But with its greatness comes greater chances of it getting hacked. In 2015, UK high street bank NatWest has admitted that criminals now are more likely to chop and drain them. Stolen SIM cards can also be used for this purpose. Breaching can be prevented to an extent by the use of some preventive measures:

  1. Rely only on the secure Wi-Fi: We generally find free Wi-Fi at public places like restaurants, coffee shops, metro, and offices and are liable to access it. This Wi-Fi is unsecured and can be the prime targets for hackers. Never do online banking over public WiFi. Do the transactions with one at home, safe and protected.
  2. Do not click on the suspicious links: If you are intuitive that the relationship is questionable, this can be. Don’t click on the suspected link. If you receive an email saying, you need to change your bank password, do not click on it, this may impersonalize your account. To avoid these malpractices, don’t send banking pieces of information on emails or other apps.
  3. Handle your mobile phone with great care: This may be difficult to do but is indispensable to do. Try to keep your mobile phones in locked bags or secured pockets. Set a "find my phone" application on your phone. The easiest way for the predators is to steal the phone and take the information.
  4. Use only authentic banking applications: Always go for an authentic and official banking application for transactions. If ever find it suspected, call your bank and ask for its authentication. It is the easiest way to do safe transactions.
  5. Lock your phone and applications when not in use: Don’t keep all of your applications logged in without any purpose; this may help the hackers to dive in. Always secure your phone with a security password. Passwords should be complex and difficult like fingerprints and face.
  6. Don’t overshare information online: When a hacker is trying to hack your id, what they do is stalking. They stalk you to the core so that they can gather as much information as required. They may make a guess of your passwords from the repetition of words. One should not use the name of their kids as password.
  7. Be aware with your banking updates: Create a notification with your banking updates, stay updated. Keep checking your updates and if found any invalid transaction, cross-check it with your bank operator.
  8. Some other safety measures: Try using your ATM pin code by covering it with your other hand, hackers may identify your pin code by the way you move your hands. Don’t throw the slips of your bank account anywhere, handle it with great care. Either destroy it or keep it safe in your wallet.

With the help of these basic tips, one can secure their bank details. If you are a businessman and most of your transactions take place through online banking, you need to be well aware of all the security systems.

Aida Martin is a creative person who has been writing blogs and articles about cybersecurity. She writes about the latest updates regarding and how it can improve the work experience of users. Her articles have been published in many popular e-magazines, blogs, and websites.
