Workplace first aid refresher

Author: Chris Dave

The main aim of First Aid is to save a life in an emergency situation. Qualified first aid employees in an emergency situation give the patient a better chance of survival in a critical situation and ensure that any incident or injury is treated in the safest possible way.

The people who completed first aid training less than three years have to take a Refresher course and have to fresh up your First aid skills and the certificate. The students will review each of the modules in the occupational first aid syllabus. Every employees need to be updated and practised regularly their skill, to ensure the ability to do the right thing in an emergency situation. This first aid refresher training course is specially designed to equip you with the latest information and techniques to save a life.

All employees become more safety aware and will be able to help others, and also can bring down the number of accidents. The proper training in First aid and CPR saves lives, particularly where there are serious injuries and it is critical that immediate action is taken. Workplace safety is really important to create a safe working environment. Train individuals and employees to provide first aid treatment to the casualty during an emergency or accident at the workplace.

In the first place, all of us have to do the right thing by getting trained, so it makes sense to keep your knowledge and skills up-to-date. Confirm your seat for a refresher course now and can trigger anyone to maintain their confidence as an effective first aider to help others.

Refresher course is mainly for people who have previously undertaken an occupational first aid course and need to refresh their skills to maintain their certification. It is mandatory to carry a renewed certificate by each and every staff in an organization so as they will be able to act immediately in an emergency situation and also can save their co-workers life.

A First aid refresher course covers the following to fresh up their skills and will be able to practice.

  • First Aid in the Workplace * Patient Assessment * Respiratory Emergencies * Cardiac First Response * Wounds & Bleeding * Altered Levels of Consciousness * Musculoskeletal Injuries * Burns and Scalds, Chemicals, Electric Shock

Benefits of taking First aid refresher course for a company

A company can increase their work and productivity by maintaining a good health of employees and which is one area that is often overlooked as a means of improving a company's profitability. If your employees aren't prepared to handle these types of injuries on all shifts and their coworkers are left untreated until an ambulance arrives, a victim's condition may worsen and injuries can become far more debilitating, which leads to greater medical costs and lost productivity.

The three important and basic elements to keep the workplace safe are :

  • Prevent or minimize accidents * Adequate first aid supplies * Proper first aid training. Train the employees refresh the skills to act correctly in an emergency situation to help a person as they can.