Health Benefits of Hiking : Hiking Tips

Author: Saleem Pna

When someone tells you to go for a hike, you might appreciate them. This is because they care for your health. There are tremendous health benefits for both mental and physical well-being. Hiking comes with a number of various perks, from fresh air, nice views, to the smells and sounds of nature.

Why go hiking

In comparison to flat ground walking, navigating via uneven ground helps in recruitment of using different muscles whether if you’re trail running or hiking. You also strengthen and turn on multiple of muscles that you don’t use which are located in your ankles, hips, and knees," Ferris says.

Pumping up oft-neglected muscles helps improve your stability and balance and assists in preventing falls. Overuse injuries like band issues, hip pains and knees can be knocked down when muscles are put into use.

Nonetheless, hiking also comes with some risks. You must be very careful not to trip and fall which can cause sprained knees and rolled ankles. Just like the novice weightlifter or runner, it would be trouble for a weightlifter to start off on a high note. Inexperienced hikers are most likely to trip off and fall when they walk along rocky terrain. The best alternative approach to hiking is giving your leg muscles building time and strength.


Pros of hiking

One of the major benefits of hiking is your muscle movement and heart pumping. This helps in lowering high cholesterol risks stroke, high blood pressure, and heart attacks. You want those calories burned, and then go for those hard mountain terrains.

Cons of hiking

Hiking at higher altitude like on hills and mountains can cause, mild headache, nausea, fatigue, and lightheadedness, more so to people who stay in areas with low altitude.

It is best to adjust slowly from thinner atmosphere to high humidity. Poor weather in some places is also a problem in hiking. The day could look beautiful and sunny only for the rains to find you in the mountains.


Whether you have planned for a day hike, it is very important to have the right gear. You can check on some of the things you need on Hiking Gear Lab. We have a list of all your hiking gears that you need. Your hiking checklist should have, compass, cell phone, first aid kit and a GPS.

Hiking also reduces stress from your everyday life. A long hike can be very helpful in maintaining your body’s stress levels. Also, it improves relationships and group interactions.

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