Coconut Water Energy Drink – An Energy Packed Organic Drink

Author: Marianela Ancheta

The typical energy drink is known to perk you up when you need to stay alert and be awake, while having enough energy to last for hours. However, it can be packed with a lot of questionable ingredients, sugar, and calories, and the sugar crash at the end is not exactly the best feeling in the world. For those reasons, discerning consumers are seeking healthier alternatives, such as the coconut water energy drink. Unlike regular energy drinks, those that are made with coconut water are significantly lower in calories, while being naturally free of cholesterol and fat. Moreover, they are more hydrating and contain higher levels of potassium, which makes them better for your body to fight dehydration.

Coconut water energy drink contains a naturally refreshing ingredient, which has a nutty and sweet taste on its own. Coconut water contains electrolytes and sugar, both of which are carbohydrates that are easily digested by the body. The super fruit’s water is considered an ultimate thirst quencher with less sodium, thus, making it healthier for the body than most energy and sports drinks. When used in energy drinks, coconut water will not cause any jitters and the dreaded sugar crash.

A good organic coconut water energy drink contains only around 50 calories, but it provides sustainable levels of energy throughout the day as it nourishes your body with seven vitamins. B vitamins (i.e. B1, B3, B2, B9, B5, and B6) promote energy and metabolism, and vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps flush out harmful toxins from your body. Some coconut water energy drinks get their vitamin C from acerola fruit extract. The sweetness of the drink comes from the coconut itself, plus organic sugar cane, so you do not have to worry about artificial sweeteners and chemicals that make you crave for more.

When choosing a coconut water energy drink, make sure that it is manufactured by a reputable company that specializes in high-quality organic energy drinks. Look for the Non-GMO Project verified and USDA Organic seals on the product, so you can be sure that you will be buying an energy drink that contains only organic and natural ingredients.

About the Author:

Dark Dog Organic offers refreshing and organic energy drinks that meets the highest quality standards in a NON-GMO, sodium free, high in antioxidants and USDA organic certified manner. After 3 years of extensive research, they are committed to offering exceptional organic energy drinks that are free of artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives. Their drinks are not only rich in quality but also promote vibrant health benefits.