Top 10 Interview Questions and Answers On Selenium Webdriver

Author: Infocampus Logics

What is Automation Testing?

Robotization testing is a procedure to computerize the program or web application by executing the experiments. Utilizing mechanization testing, we can play out a parallel execution, which is unimaginable with manual process/manual analyzers. Manual process requires more labor/human asset and more endeavors to execute the experiments. Or maybe, we can do it utilizing different Automation instruments, similar to Selenium webdriver, CodedUI, QTP, which sets aside less opportunity to execute the given advances or experiments. Utilizing robotization testing, we can execute different situations numerous occasions, yet if there should arise an occurrence of utilizing manual procedures or manual testing, there might be odds of skipping such scenarios.Manual testing is a furious work in the event that we need to mechanize same experiments various occasions. The outcomes are more precise with computerization testing than manual testing and spare a considerable measure of time.

Diverse Automation Testing Tools in IT Industry

These days, everybody favors different Automation Tools like QTP, CodedUI, Selenium and so on. Utilizing these apparatuses, we can get extremely exact outcomes contrasted with that of manual procedures. Selenium is open source though CodedUI and QTP both are authorized instruments. Selenium is simple and quick in execution contrasted with QTP and CodedUI.

Utilization of Automation Testing

Utilizing Selenium or some other Automation Tool, we can perform different for selenium training in Marathahalli errands, similar to the execution of experiments with exact outcomes, and be exploring through different situations and screens various occasions. Executing the experiments on remote machines by propelling different programs remotely decreases the time and effort.Using these apparatuses we can execute test cases in a particular request characterized by the product analyzer or in parallel which implies executing the experiments on the double in various programs which are associated in LAN (Local Area Network)

What are Selenium and its parts?

Selenium is an open source robotization apparatus which is utilized to execute the experiments on web applications. Selenium bolsters different programming dialects which incorporate C#.Net, Java, Perl, PHP, Javascript and so forth. It bolsters different stages to play out an execution, a portion of the stages are Windows, Linux, Mac OS, Windows-10(For Edge program) and so forth. It bolsters different programs to execute the experiments, for example, Chrome program, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Edge and so forth.

The different parts of Selenium are

  1. Selenium Core
  2. Selenium RC
  3. Selenium IDE
  4. Selenium Grid
  5. Selenium webdriver.

Among these, Selenium center and Selenium RC (Remote Control) are a piece of Selenium form 1.0. Selenium IDE (Integrated Development Environment ), Grid and webdriver are a piece of Selenium 2.0. The well known ones in Selenium will be Selenium Grid and Selenium webdriver, as the majority of the best associations are leaning toward these in their venture advancement. Selenium webriver is utilized these days which helps in execution of experiments in consecutive or parallelly.

For what reason would it be advisable for me to favor Selenium over other Automation apparatuses?

As I specified in my above answers, Selenium is an open source Automation instrument, while CodedUI, QTP or different apparatuses are Licensed Versions. Selenium is quick in execution contrasted with different devices. It bolsters execution on web applications and also versatile applications like Android, IOS, and so on.

What are the upsides of utilizing Selenium?

allude: Usage of Automation Testing answer

Utilizing Selenium we can play out a parallel execution with the assistance of center point and hub arrangement and it likewise underpins execution of the experiments in remote machines which spares time and human exertion.

How to discover a control or component in Selenium?

We can have different components or controls on a page like a Textbox, radio catch, dropdown, Button, Hyperlink and so on.

In Selenium in the wake of propelling the program we can perform different tasks like the clicking of a catch or select dropdown, choosing a checkbox or enter the incentive in a textbox, checking the radio catch and so on in view of our prerequisites.

For recognizing the controls or components, every component will have a remarkable property like Id, Name, Classname, Xpath, Tagname, CSS Selector, fractional connection content and so on.

Code for distinguishing the control

  1. Iwebdriver driver;
  2. IwebElement component = driver.Navigate().GoToUrl("");
  3. element.findElement(By.Id("Inputname"));
  4. element.findElement(By.Name("Inputname"));
  5. element.findElement(By.CssSeletor("Inputname"));
  6. element.findElement(By.TagName("Inputname"));
  7. element.findElement(By.Xpath("//Inputname"));
  8. element.findElement(By.LinText("Inputname"));

These are a couple of cases for finding a control in view of their novel properties.

Diverse variants of Selenium

As I have clarified in my before inquiries above, there are three distinct forms of Selenium.

  • Selenium 1.0 was the plain beginning adaptation of Selenium which was discharged in 2004. In this form, we have Selenium Core and Selenium RC.
  • Selenium 2.0 is the second form which was discharged in July 2011, which comprises of Selenium IDE, Selenium Grid, and Selenium Webdriver. The majority of the organizations want to chip away at Selenium Grid and Selenium Web driver. For more data, you can take after the authority website(
  • Selenium 3.0 is the most recent variant which was discharged in June 2016 and it has the accompanying points of interest or highlights:

Firefox Browser adaptation is upheld by 47+. On the off chance that we need to work with the more seasoned adaptations; i.e., under 47 rendition, there is no compelling reason to introduce Gecko driver however working with in excess of 47+ either in Selenium 2.0 or Selenium 3.0 requires Gecko driver to be introduced and arranged.

In this form, we likewise have bolster for Microsoft's Edge Browser, which is Microsoft's own program.

Following are the requirements to work with Edge Browser.

The customer machine ought to be introduced with Windows 10 Operating framework.

It underpins Java more noteworthy than 8 adaptation to run Java code (center point).

Support for Safari (Apple OS) Browser is given by Safari drivers (10.0 version+).

In excess of 9+ adaptations of IE are bolstered in Selenium 3.0.

Presently Selenium 3.0 has turned into a W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) standard.

Selenium 3.0 evacuated Selenium Core however underpins Selenium RC in a roundabout way through back-end Webdriver.

What is the use of XPath in Selenium?

In the event that the control or the component isn't distinguished by its interesting properties like id, name, class, tagname and so on then in this circumstance we have to utilize XPath. For some component, there will be no remarkable properties or there might be properties with a similar name for various controls like id=inputname for textbox and catch. For this situation, we have to utilize XPath for distinguishing the control.Xpath will be novel for each control. When we investigate the site page by tapping on F12 or assess component, we can feature on the component and right snap ->Copy -> And tap on Copy Xpath.


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