How to Benefit from IT Asset Management Software

Author: Vaishali Gopi

IT Asset Management Software applications have come a rage these days as companies of all shapes and sizes are adopting theses applications to manage their Digital Assets more efficiently. Since organizations have to purchase wide range of software packages to run their operations smoothly, the need of IT Asset Management Software has increased significantly in the past few years. By automating the task of IT asset inventory management and by keeping all contractual and financial data in an accessible format, IT Asset Management Software applications are changing the way organizations were conducting their day to day operation.

Make Informed Decisions

No more beating around the bush while making vital business decisions. Thanks to IT Asset Management Software, now you will be able to get a complete and clear picture of things. IT Asset Management Software allows you to track and analyze every single digital asset that your organization has purchases and their current status. You can check the past activities of all digital assets. This will enable you to track those digital assets that are rarely used by your team but you are paying for those assets nonetheless. You can also categorize IT assets based on metrics like – post-sale support, product quality or the monthly price.

Safeguarding Your Data

If you think your business and all your valuable data is safe from hackers and other natural calamities, you need to think again. Disasters are bound to happen sooner or later and therefore, it is better safe than sorry. You need to take every possible measure to ensure that all the PCs and the data that they contain are in a safe location. Your business has to be resilient at all cost. Even if a big wildfire burnt down your office, your data and other IT assets like software licenses, users’ info or login details should be easily available. This can be done by uploading all the data to the Cloud and to harness the power of IT Asset Management Software. By deploying to IT Asset Management Software into your business operation, you can restore operation in case of emergencies in a matter of few hours to few days depending on the size of the calamities that your company has faced.

Stop Spending on Useless Resources

The problem with most IT based companies is that they are buying way more tools that their business actually need and therefore, there will be a point where you will realize the fact that you are spending half of your operational budget on items that none of team members are using. This is sheer waste of resources that should be stopped at all cost. By analyzing the data provided by your IT Asset Management Software, you will be able to track those applications that nobody is using and then cancelling their subscription in the next financial year. The next step would be to allocate the same budget to new resources that team members are going to need to boost the productivity level of the organization.

Calculate Ownership Cost

If you are asked to calculate the cost of an IT asset, you should not take into account its purchase price while doing the calculation. The value of an IT asset is more than its monthly subscription package. IT assets of organization create value for the company and therefore, they need to be fully utilized and should be imbibed with every single operation within that organization to create maximum value. If you have to figure out the cost of an IT asset, you need to take a look at its operational inputs, its accuracy and its overall impact on the organization. Therefore, it makes sense that all IT assets should be utilized to their utmost potential and this can only be done when you know what you are doing. By using IT Asset Management Software application, you will get to know which IT assets are lying untouched and which IT assets are getting utilized by your team. Based on that information, you will be able to make more informed decisions and can put dormant IT assets to back to use.


You need to maintain a standard when it comes to usage of IT assets. Take a look at major IT companies and you will come to term with the fact that these companies maintain a database of codes that each programmer has to use while making changes in any application. This is known as standardization of process. The reason behind this is to make it easier for the new comers to get started without spending hours analyzing the code itself. Since everything is available at a centralized location, the company remains resilient at the face of the greatest odds.

Now, if you don’t give importance to standardization or rely on non-standard software applications, you are in for a reality check. The worse part of using non-standard IT application is that they will render most of your employees inefficient and unproductive. These non-standard software applications demand steep learning curve and that means, your employees will have to spend a considerable amount of time getting the hang on its.

License Management

You would definitely don’t want to deal with non-compliance related legal issues arising from ignoring the basics of licensing rules. Modern businesses can’t survive without making proper use of various IT assets and IT applications. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you spend some time understanding the license requirements so that you don’t get dragged into some legal complication. You need to be absolutely certain that your agency is fully compliant with licensing rules.

To ensure smooth functionality of your business, you need to renew the software licenses at regular intervals, activate or deactivate certain applications and generating license keys for different software and IT assets so that the end users or your customers have to face any issue resulting from licenses non-compliance.

Security Risk

It is impossible to track whether an employee of your organization is using some kind of pirated or unauthorized software application unless you are already using IT asset Management software application. These types of pirated or unauthorized software applications pose serious security threat to an organization’s IT infrastructure and all your private data could be at greater risk from being misused or misappropriated by hackers. By employing a powerful and features rich IT Asset Management Software application, you can track these types of illegal activities and can put an end to this.

There are several benefits of deploying an IT asset management Software application but in order to make the most of these advantages, you need to identify the application that meets both your requirements and the budget.