Essential Golf Cart Accessories

Author: Golf Box

Golf clubs are obviously one of the most important items to pack when heading off for a game. But there are other items that can improve your game and make the day more enjoyable. There are many accessories that you can get for your golf cart to improve your game and ensure that you are prepared for every game.

Golf Balls

You may want to pack new and old golf balls. New ones are great for playing better, and old ones can be used to practice while waiting.

Golf Bag

A quality golf bag will make carrying you clubs much easier. Not only this, it will also protect your clubs.

Club Covers

Just like your golf bag, club covers protect you clubs. By keeping the edges sharp and preventing dents which can affect your game.

Extra Balls

Anything can happen while you’re playing golf causing you to lose you ball. By bringing plenty of extras you will be prepared if this happens.

Ball Markers

There are a wide variety of ball markers available to mark your ball on the green. There are many varieties to suit your personality and style. You wouldn’t want to get you ball confused with someone else’s.


Even if it’s going to be a cloudy day, bringing sunscreen will protect your skin particularly when you’re out on the course for a long time.

Buggy Parts and Accessories

Umbrella holders, cooler bags, straps, GPS and cup holders are just some of the buggy accessories you can purchase to make your game a more enjoyable experience.

Rain Gear

It’s a good idea to have an umbrella and a jacket with you in case the weather turns. However, don’t forget about your golf clubs. With plenty of rain covers to choose from, you can protect your golf bag as well as your clubs.

Golf Outfit

What you wear during your game is important to improve your game. The proper footwear is essential. Golf shoes grip the green giving you a steady stance while you swing.

Golf Gloves

You may want to bring a spare glove in case you rip one or lose one along the way.


A tee is often provided for you, however it’s a good idea to carry a few along with you.

Pencil or Pen

Don’t forget to pack a few pencils or pens to use on your score card. By carrying a few extras, you are prepared for any lost pencils or dry pens.

A Snack

Make sure you pack a snack to carry with you. Golfers can be on the course for hours and when hunger strikes, you’ll have something to keep you going.


It’s essential to pack some water in you golf bag. It’s easy to get dehydrated when you’re out in the sun for many hours.

First Aid Kit

A first aid kit might come in handy. Golfers often suffer from blisters and muscle pain. Or you may cut yourself while searching for a missing ball in the bush.