Acne treatment in India - how to choose the best one?

Author: Debraj Shome

There was a time when teenagers were instructed to cut back on their potato and oil intake and given a tube of Clearasil to manage their acne issues. Today, however, the world understands that acne is a far more complicated problem that what was believed before and its contributory factors are far more complex than the kind of food one eats. Considering the diverse forms and types of acne that exist, it is important that you are extremely careful in selecting the right acne treatment in India for your case. Otherwise, you might only end up eating medicines and applying topical creams with no results whatsoever. So here is a guide that will help you choose the best acne treatment in India for your case.

Understanding your case of acne

Although every case of acne is different and unique, the most common underlying factors that influence its occurrence happen to be hormonal fluctuations that stimulate the production of oil in the skin. This excess oil then traps dust and bacteria from the environment, causing breakouts and whiteheads to occur on a patient’s skin. However, this generalisation exists only up to a basic level of understanding. Acne cases differ widely, ranging from Comedonal to inflammatory acne, on the basis of their severity, contributing factors and responsiveness to treatments.

Finding the best acne treatment in India

The effectiveness of your acne treatment will eventually depend on the kind of dermatologist you have chosen to handle your case. The more knowledgeable and experienced this professional is, the more are the chances that your stubborn acne condition will get resolved for good. Therefore, when out to find the best acne treatment in India, you should focus your energies on searching for the best skin doctor to treat you. Examine their work through before and after pictures of past acne cases they have treated. Look through patient reviews and testimonials to determine the service and treatment quality they were able to deliver to past clients. And make sure that the doctor you have selected possesses relevant experience, knowledge and expertise in curing acne and providing acne scar treatment in India. These are specialised procedures and you wouldn’t want to give your case over into the hands of a novice. Try and find the best dermatologist in India for your treatments and trust their diagnosis and judgement. With their targeted treatment and support, your acne will clear up in no time at all!

Different acne treatments in India

Depending upon an examination of your skin and an analysis of your habits and lifestyle, your dermatologist will suggest any or a combination of the following treatment methodologies to provide you with relief from your acne condition:

  • Medication and topical creams
  • Light therapy
  • Steroid injections
  • Chemical peeling
  • Laser skin resurfacing for acne scars
  • Microdermabrasion

Most of these treatments focus on getting your existing breakouts to clear up before beginning to work on acne scar treatment in India. These treatments will require multiple sessions with your dermatologist depending upon the severity of your case and the recommendations from your skin doctor.

You can find the best dermatological help, acne treatments and acne scar treatments in India at The Esthetic Clinic. Book your consult today!