Key challenges in the Mobile automation

Author: Harish Kumar

The mobile devices:

The screen size, input methods, and hardware capabilities differ from one device to the other which is a challenging task when testing the mobile application. Mobile device testing and mobile application testing is totally different. The various tools used for the recording the processes on the device are CPU Monitor, Usemon, CPU stats, and CPU-Z which are available on the Google play or app store. Join the Mobile Testing Training in Chennai to hone the technical skills.

Different operating systems:

The major operating system in the market is Android, IOS, Symbian, windows phone, and blackberry {RIM}. Every platform has its own limitations and it is a challenging task for a tester to test the mobile application in the different operating system. The web application testing tools are QC, Jira, Rally, and Bugzilla. These tools track the defect in the mobile testing. The Mobile Application Testing Training is the best training for those who are from the manual testing background.

Mobile network operators:

The mobile network operators are large in numbers and nearly 400 mobile network operators are there. CDMA and GSM are the network operators who impact a lot on the user experience with an app.

What is the difference between CDMA and GSM?

GSM means the Global system for mobile communication and CDMA means the code division multiple accesses which are the two main technologies in the mobile communication. The CDMA use the available bandwidth and GSM operates the carrier. The security is high in the CDMA and a unique code is provided which helps with the encryption. The CDMA provides more security than the GSM. GSM needs more up gradation in terms of the security. The network frequency of CDMA is 850 MHZ and 1900 MHZ and the network frequency of the GSM is 850 MHZ and 1900 MHZ. The global reach is above 80 percent in 210 countries for the GSM. CDMA is used by 24 percent of the users globally. Mobile Testing Course in Chennai is conducted in flexible timing.

The Scripting:

The variety of devices needs a different scripting language. A single script is not enough for the variety of function. The list of tools for the mobile automation are robotium, see test, monkey talk, calabash, eggplant, Appium, silk test, frank, and KIF.

The version change:

The version change in the android phones like 1.0 to 4.4 plays a great role in the mobile testing. The IOS phone versions are also changing from 1.0 to 7.1. The evolution of different version is also a challenge to the mobile tester as they need to rewrite the code accordingly. Mobile Testing Training is the best training to enter into the software industry.

Tight Deadlines:

The dates produce a pressure on both the developers and the testers. To overcome the time constraints the developer and the tester need to work closely.


In black box technique the test on multiple devices, the changes in the IP address, the calls and messages to the other devices, the different browsers like chrome, firefox, opera and dolphin are some of the points to be considered. In white box testing the programming skills and the internal perspective are considered.