For The Utmost Convenience, Choose An Electric Pool Cover Reel

Author: Liz Seyi

For The Utmost Convenience, Choose An Electric Pool Cover Reel

While there should be no doubt in any swimming pool owner’s mind about the crucial part played by the right solar cover in keeping their pool water warm and shielded from leaves and debris, it’s also true that such covers can be difficult to handle. This is where investment in a Pool Cover Reel can be a really important move – but there are arguably especially good reasons to opt for an electric pool cover reel above all other options.

Thankfully, we are a renowned supplier of such reels here at Pool Warehouse, from respected brands including Plastica and Avon Scientific. Here’s what you need to know about them.

A Well-Priced Mains-Powered Electric Reel System

If you’re happy for your pool cover reel to be powered by your mains electricity source, the Electric (Mains) Reel System that we presently have to offer from Avon Electric may just be the perfect option. It’s suitable for pools as wide as 16 feet, and incorporates stainless steel ends and anodised aluminium telescopic tubes. A control box, transformer and motor are also all included in this highly rated and reasonably priced remote-control-operated reel system.

Alternatively, Why Not Make The Most Of The Considerable Power Of The Sun?

Plastica is a brand with which many of our customers here at Pool Warehouse will be familiar with, given its leading reputation as a both manufacturer and distributor of swimming pools. Well, it could also be the perfect brand to which to turn for a solar-powered electric pool cover reel system, in the form of the Helios, which can be ordered from us in both small and large varieties.

The former is suitable for the handling of small solar covers measuring up to 14 feet by 28 feet, while for swimming pool owners needing to place and remove covers as large as 20 feet by 40 feet, it’s the large Helios solar pool reel that will fit the bill.

The Helios is powered by 12V Safe Extra Low Voltage, and can be fixed right at the pool edge, lifting the cover off the water and keeping it safe under a solar protector sheet. It is a totally self-contained design, with a sealed battery that is trickle charged by sunlight and can be used to operate the pool cover at least six times a day, drawing upon stored energy.

Whatever you expect from a Pool Cover Reel System

  • including reliability, ease of use and longevity – you can expect it from any such system ordered from Pool Warehouse. Our reels are even made highly affordable by the discounts of up to a third that we provide on them.