Change Your Life and Destiny with Gemstones and Rudraksha Malas
The effect of vibrations can alter the energy flow lines. That is why we sometimes feel happy or sad without any reason. To know about the way you can arrange energy flow lines around your house and office get the help of an astrologer. On a personal front, we have yantras and gemstones with their unique ability to heal and divert bad energy.
Use of the astrologer -
The astrologer will consult your horoscope and find out why the energy lines are behaving or misbehaving. Check the Horoscope Consultation Services in Delhi to find out more details. Here you will see what common methods we adopt to guide the person through the turmoils in life.
Astrological products -
To control or divert the energy vibrations, the astrologer will use specific products. We must use them only in specific places in a particular manner to get the best effect.
Parad products: They make these from a mixture of mercury, silver, and other metals. They help augment the sperm content in our body. We know them as the seed of Lord Shiva. Parad is the purest and most auspicious metal. It has high religious importance and is useful for both male and female participants.
Astrological mala: We have Rudraksha mala, crystal mala, and mala made from brass. These undergo purification through the mantras and help strengthen the inner soul. Wearing the mala after conducting pooja will enhance its properties and give you the most benefit.
Rudraksha: This is a seed from the Rudraksha tree. It has a specific number of faces that denote its energy. Each has a deity associated with it that gives it the special character. For instance, the 9 face Rudraksha is useful for correcting the brain and nervous system functioning. It removes all kinds of phobias. It has an association with the Goddess Durga. Different Rudraksha beads give you different benefits.
Use of gemstones -
We have used gemstones since ancient times. They help ward off the evil eye and empower our senses. Gemstones that affect us include the following:
Sapphire: Neelam stone, as we call the sapphire, rectifies the bad effects due to the planet Saturn. It makes the wearer confident and brings you instantaneous blessings being one of the fastest acting gemstones. You have to wear it studded in gold on the middle finger of the right hand on Saturday for the best effect. Use the services of the Best Gemstones consultant in India to get your stone.
Diamond: This is not as fast acting as the sapphire and gives results only within 30 days. Wearing diamonds helps cure diseases of the private parts, urine problem, diabetes, and skin problems. If your zodiac sign is Scorpio, Pisces, or Aries, you must not wear diamonds.
Ruby: Wearing a ruby stone helps you by getting support from state and administration authorities. It helps with the eyesight and blood circulation.
Emerald: This stone has an association with spirituality and reasoning power. It eases the negative powers of evil spirits and nightmares so you have a peaceful sleep. It makes the mind peaceful.
Rose Quartz: This stone represents the unconditional love that opens the heart chakra. It gives high energy and gives you strength. It will enhance all types of love - family, individual, romantic, and platonic.