6 Tips To Improve Your Aging Loved One’s Nutrition Habits

Author: Monica Cordero

Maintaining a healthy, well-balanced diet is important for people of all ages, especially older adults as they may experience a number of age-related health conditions. As our bodies begin to change, nutritional requirements also change, and seniors may face several challenges for healthy eating. These challenges can even make routine activities difficult as certain disabilities or illnesses keep seniors from cooking and eating healthy meals. Seniors with dental issues may have difficulty chewing, and lifting pots and pans, and opening jars and cans may become hard for seniors with arthritis. Poor financial conditions can also affect healthy eating in their golden years.

Home Care Fort Myers experts help families to understand the essence of nutritious diet, and encourage seniors to make a few dietary changes promoting a healthy lifestyle, with these essential tips.

1. Take Seniors On Shopping

Take your elderly loved ones to the grocery store and let them shop for food. You can check the foods they have chosen by reading the nutrition chart and encourage healthier choices.

2. Plan Meals For Week Ahead

After shopping, you can help your senior loved ones plan meals for the next week. If they need help preparing healthy dishes, search the internet or read cook books for some recipes and partake with them when cooking. If you have difficulty when preparing a healthy diet plan, in-home care Fort Myers providers can also help in such situation.

3. Add Colors To The Plate

Colorful vegetables and fruits, like broccoli, spinach, beets, carrots, berries and watermelon offer essential nutrients and add taste as well. Smoothies are also an amazing way for seniors to get many nutrients. Steamed, soft vegetables are often recommended for seniors with dental and digestive issues.

4. Keep Them Hydrated

Our bodies are 70 percent water and need it stay hydrated throughout the life-span. Dehydration is a major issue among elderly. Make certain your elderly loved ones drink sufficient amount of water each day. You can also add flavor to the water with mints, cucumber, and lime, and also consider adding extra protein and minerals. Also make sure not to let them fill up with beverages before eating a meal, as it tends to lower appetite.

5. Add Enough Protein

It is vital for seniors to get enough protein, as it can help delay the onset of weakening muscles and muscle loss in senior years. Protein is found in many foods like lean meat, tuna, eggs or peanut butter.

6. Enjoy A Meal Together

Seniors tend to eat more and happily in a social setting. Invite them or offer to have meals with your senior loved one. Both of you can enjoy meals at home and even head to a restaurant to try new dishes. You can also encourage them try cooking the dishes they tasted in the restaurant to add fun to following a healthy diet plan.

Families and caregivers must encourage seniors to benefit from nutritional guidance and it is important to pay proper attention to their eating needs and habits. You can also take assistance from Fort Myers senior home care providers to learn about healthy eating and maintaining a healthy lifestyle to enjoy high quality of life in golden years.