5 Crucial Questions To Ask A Truck Accident Lawyer

Author: Tyler Pillay

Studies show that there were a staggering 415,000 reported truck vehicle crash accidents in the US in 2015 alone. Out of that number, there are around 83,000 personal injury cases with more than 3,500 serious ones. If you find yourself being a victim of a truck accident, hire lawyers in Anchorage. This way you can get the right amount of compensation for the injuries and the damages that the accident has caused.

Now, if you are doing this for the first time, you would most likely be a little confused about the legal system. Don’t fret. You just need to ask your lawyer these questions so you can understand things a lot better.

1. Who Should Be Responsible for the Crash?

The answer to this question would seem a little too obvious if the driver of the truck proceeded even after the traffic light turned red, then they are responsible. However, there is a legal doctrine called vicarious liability. This one states that the employer of the driver can be the one responsible too.

Get your lawyer to investigate the case thoroughly. They may find that there is not only one responsible party for the accident. They may even discover that the manufacturer of the truck is also responsible for using defective parts. All those that are responsible should compensate you.

2. What Kinds of Damages Can I Ask Compensations for?

The damages include all the financial losses you underwent because of the accident. It would include the costs of repairing the car, the lost wages at work that was caused by your time at the hospital, the medical bills, and even the emotional stress you experienced. Getting a lawyer can help sum up all these damages so you get an idea of the right value of the case.

3. Have You Had Experience with Similar Cases Before?

When the accident involves a truck, there might be a lot more things that you would need to consider compared to normal automobiles. This is why it is important for the lawyer to have previous experience in handling cases that involve trucks.

This way, you can be assured that they already know what to do. They perfectly understand the complex data and interpret the information so you can better comprehend it. In serious cases, the experience of the lawyer can be the difference between winning and losing your case.

4. How Will You Obtain the Compensation?

It is no secret that lawyers will try their best to end the case through a settlement. This normally happens by filing a claim with the insurance provider of the truck company. They would normally request for a settlement outside the court and ask the insurance company to pay for the damages.

This is where their experience becomes useful. They need to know what to do when arguing your side of the case against the lawyers of the trucking companies.

5. Will You Be Able to Represent Me in Court?

There are certain situations when a trucking company refuses to settle during the out-of-court settlement. In this case, you should hire lawyers in Anchorage who can bravely represent you in court. They need to be experienced in litigation so you can be compensated properly.

If you want to consult the Best Lawyers In Anchorage, Alaska, the author of this article suggests Crowson Law Group.