Do you know high protein dairy product items are a must-have?

Author: Sunny Sharma

Do you know high protein dairy product items are a must-have?

Who knew that glass of milk which most of us abhorred in our childhood held so much of goodness in it. Well, our dear mothers sure knew the benefits of milk, and hence the pampering!

So, does it mean milk- a dairy product that it is- an only option you have got when your body craves for some good protein? Of course not. There’s a plethora of other delicious and healthy sources of dairy you can easily fall back on for the sake of variety- or, say, to titillate your taste buds. Let’s embark on this healthy journey of knowing our daily dairy products a little better.

Protein benefits: a key point that needs special emphasis

Why high protein dairy products?

Right from building of tissues to its repairing; from being an essential ingredient in the formation of hormones to building nails or hair or muscles -or say, blood- protein seems to play the role of an allrounder. But do you know the human body doesn’t have a repository of protein available like many of the other essential substances?

Despite its almost absence, human body demands relatively lesser amounts of protein for its smooth functioning. The catch, however, is to obtain good protein from selected sources. Therefore, knowing the right protein rich dairy products becomes mandatory.

What are the other healthy dairy options?

Few other toothsome daily dairy options you can have on your platter besides a tumbler of milk are:

  • Cottage cheese
  • Cheddar cheese
  • Calcium-fortified soy milk
  • Greek yogurt
  • Low-fat yogurt etc

Consumption of high protein dairy products at regular intervals throughout the day keep protein and other vital nutrients’ requirement of your body in check. Human body is so engineered that it can’t function smoothly in absence – or scarcity- of essential nutrients such as vitamin D and calcium and potassium and undoubtedly, protein. Hence, it becomes all the more important to know why exactly certain dairy items are a must-have.

Must-have dairy products’ most pertinent functions

Now you know you can relish a variety of healthy milk and milk products, for it will simply arm you with essential body nutrients. What are the various functions that essential nutrients obtained from these dairy products perform?

  • Dairy products are loaded with calcium. And calcium plays a pivotal role in strengthening bones (especially during childhood and adolescence). This in other words means lower risk of osteoporosis.
  • Studies have shown that proper intake of dairy products minimizes the risk of cardiovascular disease and type- 2 diabetes in adults.
  • Calcium also plays an undeniable role in strengthening teeth.
  • Potassium rich dairy products keep blood pressure in check.
  • Soy milk and milk contain phosphorous and calcium essential for maintaining healthy bones.

Since a lot of calcium and protein rich dairy products are easily and economically accessible- which means no additional dent in your pocket- the task of opting for a healthier lifestyle simply becomes more alluring.

As the adage goes, ‘The First Step To Health Is Protein.’

Fresh dairy products with a high proportion of protein enriches our human body in so many fascinating ways, isn’t it? Indeed, protein is the first step to health- a good health.


The reason to opt for high protein dairy products was never so utterly clear. Human body’s some of the natural tasks will be severely hampered if it fails to obtain just the right proportion of protein. Although, one can obtain protein from various sources, but if looked in the right direction one can save oneself from the drudgery, and rather hit the bull’s eye. Some of the good sources of high protein are cheese and soy milk and Greek yogurt. Saying yes to these essential nutrients promises to keep many health-related issues at bay.