How Much Does a Real Estate Website Cost?

Author: Alicia Campbell

Real estate websites are not created equal. Many aspects come into play, including the customer’s personal and budgetary preference as well as the expertise and demands of the website developer.

Since real estate websites vary in many ways, their prices are also bound to differ. The question then is what determines how much a person will pay for a real estate website? In this article, we highlight the cost of designing a real estate website, as well as other factors that influence the pricing.

Not a one-size-fits-all

Well, top developers don’t use the one-size-fits-all approach. They offer wide-ranging packages to meet the diverse demands of clients. Therefore, if you are looking to design a real estate website on a budget or one that’s on the other end of the spectrum, all you’ll need to do is talk to them about your needs. Basic designs often have fewer features and costs less. While the high-end ones integrate plenty of features.

Design structures

Supporting structures won’t be visible to the public – they are often in the background – however, if they fail, your clients will easily notice - links are broken, pages won’t load and if it takes longer, you might end up losing business to your competitor. These structures determine the aesthetic of your website and customer experience on whichever device they are using, whether it’s a phone, tablet or desktop. Examples of components are typography, color schemes, content layout for all pages, visual designs and graphical elements. How many components your platform will require will dictate the real estate website design cost.

Content creation

Having your website created is the first step. The second one is to include content. Without content, no one will even know your platform exists. Content may include anything from professional photographs, branding assets, written copies, renderings, and building information (site plans, floor plans, stacking charts and so on). If you cannot manage to deliver all these content yourself, then your best shot would be to outsource it to experts. Keep in mind that some sections will need frequent updates, like your news section, blog, research etc.

Hosting and ongoing maintenance

Once your platform is launched, you’ll need continuous service to help ensure it’s running smoothly and that you are getting the most from it. These services include technical support, website hosting, data back-ups, CMS and plugin updates and monthly reporting, all of which costs you money.

DIY/hire a firm

If you are an expert web developer and believe that you can do it yourself and do it well, then you can choose to DIY, because it will save you lots of money. However, you should bear in mind that the real estate market is a very competitive one and there’s no room for mediocrity. Working with a real estate website designing firm will cost you more, but the value that you’ll get is often well worth the price. It’s advisable not to settle for less just based on the real estate website design cost. Besides, many who try, or hire amateurs always end up hiring a professional firm, which not only becomes costly but also a waste of time.Resource Box: If you want to hire a company who can design Custom Web Sites For Realtors, the author of this article suggests Intagent.