A Close Look At The Latest Research Trends Within The 3D Printing in Healthcare Market

Author: Rohith Koluguri

Americas held the largest market share in the 3D Healthcare Market:

The American region holds the largest market share in 3D printing Healthcare Market and is anticipated to reach $1.12 billion by 2023 at a CAGR of 15.9%. This is mainly due to increased adoption of 3D printing technologies and increased investments. However, Asia Pacific projects major growth and is anticipated to reach $423.06 million by 2023 at a CAGR of 23.5%. The key applications includes implants, Prosthetics, surgical guides, dental implants, medical components, hearings aids, tissue engineering, drug screening.

Selected Value Chain Analysis done in the full report 3DP Materials:

  • The typical steps contributing to the total value of 3D Printing Market, as far as Healthcare is concerned, are categorized into the following: Inbound Logistics, Manufacturing, Outbound Logistics and Marketing & Sales. Inbound Logistics involves sourcing of raw materials, that is, plastics, metals, biological cells, ceramics and others from local suppliers. However, the most important step of the value chain is that the 3D designing and manufacturing steps takes place after the materials have been sourced. Manufacturing involves the transition of crude raw materials received into various forms such as filaments, powders, liquids and others which are compatible with 3D printers. This step contributes a major chunk to the value of the product.
  • Plastics, which are usually cheap and can be procured in bulk, require a great deal of processing to make 3D printing compatible. They have to be made into filaments of either 1.75mm or 3mm where the tolerance level is really low. This adds to the cost of manufacturing. Titanium, which generally cost about $178 per kilo in normal cases, has to go through a smelting process before it can be used for additive manufacturing. The final product costs about $200-$300 per kilo.
  • Therefore, the value of the product increases tenfold. All 3D printers have specific requirements for the type, strength and dimensions of their compatible materials, the manufacturing of which is a very important value-adding process in the value chain. The major manufacturers include Stratasys Ltd., 3D Systems, ARCAM AB and so on. Therefore, the marketing of these products also adds value to the product.

3D Printers

  • The main steps involved in the value chain of 3D printers in the industry are categorized as following: procurement of raw materials, printer manufacturing, supplier and distributor and end user. The first step involves procurement and processing of raw materials like rigid plastics, glass, steel and other metals, etc. Manufacturing of printers is the next step and is the major one in the process. Manufacturers procure these materials from various suppliers. The major suppliers in the industry are Asiga, FormFutura, Bucktown Polymers and many more. Manufacturing involves the conversion of crude raw materials into various compatible elements to manufacture 3D printers. This step contributes a major chunk to the value of the product. All the parts required to assemble in the 3D printers are manufactured by a single company and are not outsourced. The major manufacturers of 3D printers are Stratsys, 3D systems, MakerBot and so on.
  • The next important step is the distributor network. According to experts, there are many distributors in this industry who help provide immediate access to goods which helps to build a sustainable network with the end user. The industry has a well-defined distributor network which helps to increase the reach of end users. Some of the major distributors in the industry are 3Dee.at 3D-Drucker shop, CREAT3D, and Flashforge.

The manufacturer reaches the end user through strong distributor network. The end users for this industry are hospitals, educational institutions, research laboratories, wherein they use these printers for different applications like implants, prosthetics, surgical guides and so on.

Excerpts on Market Growth Factors

  • 3D printing in Healthcare Market is mainly driven by the developments of 3D technology in the healthcare sector and increasing investments in R&D from new entrants and innovation besides other factors such as growing population and health disorders across the regions.
  • 3D printing biomaterials is expected to reach $1.3 billion by 2023 at a CAGR of 19.10%.
  • Biomaterials are considered as a revolutionary thing in the medical area and investments are pouring in for research purposes in this sector. Hence, 3D printing biomaterials market is expected to grow rapidly in the future.
  • The boundless advantages which 3D printing industry holds is expected to transform some of the world’s most intricate surgeries into a smooth ride.

To access / purchase the full report browse the link belowhttps://industryarc.com/Report/1268/3D-printing-in-healthcare-market-analysis.html

Key players of 3D Printing in Healthcare Market:

  • The key players related to 3D printing in healthcare in this region include 3D Systems, Inc; Stratasys Ltd; Nano3D Biosciences, Inc; Corbel 3D and many more.
  • In order to meet the demand, Stratasys launched new Eden line of 3D printers for dentistry and 3DS launched Project 3510 DPPro all-in-one medical 3D printer.

Partnerships also come into existence for the exchange of core competencies, which provides mutual benefit. Materialise and Tissue Regeneration Systems have entered partnership for the development of 3D-printed tracheal splints. EOS and MTU entered into a Strategic Partnership for Quality Control in Metal-based Additive Manufacturing.

3D Printing in Healthcare Market is segmented as indicated below.

3D Printing in Healthcare Market By Technology:

1.Laser Beam Melting (LBM)

2.Electron Beam Melting (EBM)

3.Stereo Lithography

4.Photo Polymerization

5.Droplet Deposition

6.Laminated Object Manufacturing

7.Wax Deposition Modeling

8.Bio Printing

3D Printing in Healthcare Market By Application



3.Surgical Guides

4.Dental Implants

5.Medical Components

6.Hearing Aids

7.Tissue Engineering

8.Drug Screening

3D Printing in Healthcare Market By Geography (9+ Countries)

3D Printing in Healthcare Market By Entropy

Companies Cited/Referenced/Interviewed:

  1. Javelin Technologies Inc;
  2. 3D Biotek LLC
  3. Organovo Holdings Inc
  4. Stryker Corporation
  5. Oxford Performance Materials
  6. Voxelijet AG
  7. Shapeways
  8. Medical Modeling Inc;
  9. 3T RPD Ltd
  10. Beltone A/S
  11. Envisiontec GMBH
  12. Tethon 3D
  13. Formlabs
  14. Xilloc Medical
  15. Alphaform AG
  16. Gyrobot Limited
  17. EOS GMBH
  18. Exone GMBH
  19. Hoganas AB
  20. Companies 20+

What can you expect from the report?

The 3D printing in healthcare Market Report is Prepared with the Main Agenda to Cover the following 20 points:

  1. Market Size by Product Categories
  2. Market trends
  3. Manufacturer Landscape
  4. Distributor Landscape
  5. Pricing Analysis
  6. Top 10 End user Analysis
  7. Product Benchmarking
  8. Product Developments
  9. Mergers & Acquisition Analysis
  10. Patent Analysis
  11. Demand Analysis (By Revenue & Volume)
  12. Country level Analysis (15+)
  13. Competitor Analysis
  14. Market Shares Analysis
  15. Value Chain Analysis
  16. Supply Chain Analysis
  17. Strategic Analysis
  18. Current & Future Market Landscape Analysis
  19. Opportunity Analysis
  20. Revenue and Volume Analysis


Does IndustryARC publish country, geography or application based reports in 3D Printing in Healthcare Market?

Yes, we do have separate reports as mentioned below:

  1. Americas Market for 3D Printing in Healthcare (2018-2023)
  2. Europe Market for 3D Printing in Healthcare (2018-2023)
  3. Asia-Pacific Market for 3D Printing in Healthcare (2018-2023)
  4. Laser Beam Melting Market for 3D Printing in Healthcare (2018-2023)
  5. Electron Beam Melting Market for 3D Printing in Healthcare (2018-2023)
  6. StereoLithography Market for 3D Printing in Healthcare (2018-2023)
  7. Photo Polymerization Market for 3D Printing in Healthcare (2018-2023)
  8. Droplet Deposition Market for 3D Printing in Healthcare (2018 – 2023)
  9. Laminated Object Manufacturing Market for 3D Printing in Healthcare (2018-2023)
  10. Wax Deposition Modeling Market for 3D Printing in Healthcare (2018-2023)
  11. Bio Printing Market for 3D Printing in Healthcare (2018-2023)
  12. Donor Cells Market for 3D Printing in Healthcare (2018-2023)
  13. Plastics/Polymers Market for 3D Printing in Healthcare (2018-2023)
  14. Photopolymers Market for 3D Printing in Healthcare (2018-2023)
  15. Metals Market for 3D Printing in Healthcare (2018-2023)
  16. Ceramics Market for 3D Printing in Healthcare (2018-2023)
  17. Bone Cement Market for 3D Printing in Healthcare (2018-2023)
  18. Implants Market for 3D Printing in Healthcare (2018-2023)
  19. Prosthetics Market for 3D Printing in Healthcare (2018-2023)
  20. Surgical Guides Market for 3D Printing in Healthcare (2018-2023)
  21. Dental Implants Market for 3D Printing in Healthcare (2018-2023)
  22. Medical Components Market for 3D Printing in Healthcare (2018-2023)
  23. Hearing Aids Market for 3D Printing in Healthcare (2018-2023)
  24. Tissue Engineering Market for 3D Printing in Healthcare (2018-2023)
  25. Drug Engineering Market for 3D Printing in Healthcare (2018-2023)

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Yes, we can customize the report by extracting data from our database of reports and annual subscription databases. We can provide the following free customization:

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