What should you do when you find that you have been banned from the PlayStation Network?

Author: Poppy Quan

We have already felt the heavy pressure on our fragile body; we have already felt the power of the last straw that crushed the camel and felt the pain that might be caused. Because, nothing is more sad than finding out in your favorite digital video group chat that you will no longer be allowed to enter the inside.

If, you have encountered, when you open PlayStation 4 and find that you have been banned from using the PlayStation Network and psn cd keys, here are some suggestions I can give:

1. Error message: If you are unable to connect to the PSN, please pay attention to the error message you encountered and compare it with the situation listed below to understand why you are unable to connect to the PSN and to the psn keys.

  • 8002A227: You cannot use PlayStation®Network with this account.
  • 8002A231: Your PlayStation®Network account has been suspended.
  • 80710016: For more information, please go to the WS-37397 error code (usually means that psn doesn't like your ip)
  • WS-37337-3: This PSN account has been temporarily suspended
  • WS-37368-7: This PSN account has been banned
  • WS-37338-4: This PS4 console has been permanently disabled from using the PlayStation network.
  • WS-37397-9: Connection error. For more information, go to the WS-37397 error code(usually means that psn doesn't like your ip)
  1. What did you do: After knowing the above reasons, you also need to know why you are prohibited by PSN. There are many reasons why you are prohibited from entering psn. For example, you kill your team in online games. What's more, you are openly defrauding. All possible reasons may prevent you from entering PSN. If you want to know more, you may find the answer in the Terms of Service of PSN.
  2. Since the arrears are banned: If you find yourself temporarily banned from using the PlayStation network and you recently asked your bank to stop all payments, then this may be your problem. Due to the arrears, Sony adopted a zero tolerance attitude. If you think this is your problem, then the solution is as simple as repaying the debt.
  3. Give them a call: If you find yourself in a permanently forbidden position, then everything you do is in vain. From what I know, only the most severe crimes have a reason to permanently ban the withdrawal from the network. However, if you are sure that your suspension or ban is wrong, then your best course of action is to call PSN support.