Exactly How To Use Pay Per Click To Reach More Local Consumers

Author: Donald Hardy

A ton of attention lately for local small businesses has been concentrated on using Google Places and Maps to market to local customers. For local businesses Google Places and Maps along with Bing Local and Yahoo Local is an excellent method to attract new business. Being at the top of local search outcomes is valuable to just about every local business yet geographically it has its restrictions. Depending on where the business is located there might be a number of additional towns that a company may want to do business in yet since they don't have an actual physical location in these other cities they can't get into the local search results. At least not without cheating to do it.

There is an answer though, Pay Per Click Marketing.For those that do not already know pay per click marketing allows businesses to appear in the search results for as many different terms as they like right on the first web page and for a cost right at the top of the web page. There is no geographic limit. You can target just your town or the entire world if you wish. Google's AdWords program and to a lesser degree the Microsoft AdCenter program has made marketing to the masses feasible for each small company. For local companies that desire to reach other nearby cities pay per click marketing has become an important advertising device.Pay Per Click Marketing Can easily Bring Immediate PerksThe charm of pay per click marketing is that the moment you write the advertisements and fund the account your advertisements go live practically right away. You can reach brand-new markets and within days you'll be able to see the results of your efforts. The negative aspect is that if you don't actually recognize just what you are doing you'll quite possibly wind up squandering a bunch of money. A lot of local companies wind up starting campaigns that are not set geographically and instead their message is shown to the whole world. For an e-commerce company this is able to be excellent yet for a local company by having a restricted reach this is an enormous waste. You may too simply write Google a blank check since you'll never see a return on your investment. Suitable geographic targeting is the key.I'll present you an example of a pay per click advertisement I saw recently that has most definitely not been set geographically. I'm located about 30 miles south of Nashville and one of our customers is a regional roofing service provider. We manage a pay per click campaign for them that is set to reach out from their location about 50 miles in all directions. When we initially began the campaign we researched the local competition to see what they were doing and I came stumbled upon an advertisement for a Dallas TX roofing business. Their advertisement was unmistakably created with Dallas property owners in mind yet the ad was being shown to individuals situated in Tennessee. From curiosity I clicked the advertisement and was taken to that business's website. A fast look at the website verified the business only operated in Dallas TX so whenever one of their ads was clicked on from anywhere else it was a waste of their advertising bucks. Obviously their geo targeting attribute has indeed not been set correctly and it's costing them hard earned cash.Of course I do not know who is responsible for this particular mistake yet usually it's the company managers fault for running their advertisement campaign themselves without having adequate training to do so. On occasion though I have viewed where a SEO agency will do such a thing either since they actually don't understand exactly what they are doing either or because they want to make their pay per click results look far better then they might be on a local basis so they intentionally set the geo targeting to a nationwide level to get more clicks. It's not ethical however it has been known to be done on occasion. And of course it just inflates the amount of website visitors not the actual conversions you'll obtain.The geographic targeting feature for both AdWords and AdCenter is extremely vital for local companies so make certain you don't ignore it.

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I work with the office support provider that helps businesses that looking for authentic support. You can call our.office com setup